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ExportGridToXLSXStream(TStream,TcxGrid,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,TObject) Method

Exports content of a data grid control to a stream in Office Open XML spreadsheet format (XLSX).


procedure ExportGridToXLSXStream(AStream: TStream; AGrid: TcxGrid; AExpand: Boolean = True; ASaveAll: Boolean = True; AUseNativeFormat: Boolean = True; AHandler: TObject = nil);


Name Type Description
AStream TStream

The target stream.

AGrid TcxGrid

The source data grid control.

AExpand Boolean

Optional. If True, the procedure exports all rows, including the rows hidden within collapsed group rows and master rows. If False, the procedure exports only visible rows.

ASaveAll Boolean

Optional. Specifies if the procedure exports all available rows:

  • If True (default), the procedure exports all or only visible rows depending on the AExpand parameter value.
  • If False, the procedure exports only selected rows.

The ASaveAll parameter value is ignored in grid mode.

AUseNativeFormat Boolean

Optional. Specifies if the procedure uses the native data format:

  • If True (default), the procedure attempts to convert display text of grid cells to their underlying data format (Currency, Date, Time, Numeric, etc.). Refer to the Remarks section for the list of supported in-place editors and corresponding data formats.
  • If False, the procedure exports display text as string values.
AHandler TObject

Optional. Specifies a handler object that should implement the IcxExportBeforeSave and/or IcxExportProgress interfaces to allow you to perform specific actions before the beginning of an export operation and track its progress.


Refer to the following topic for detailed information on how to create and use handler objects:

How to: Track Data Export Progress


If you pass True as the AUseNativeFormat parameter, the ExportGridToXLSXStream procedure attempts to convert display text of a grid item’s cells to their underlying data format (Currency, Date, Time, Numeric, etc.) If you assign an in-place editor to a cell, the export procedure selects the data format according to the following table:

In-place Editor Data Format
TcxCurrencyEdit Currency
TcxMaskEdit or TcxCalcEdit Currency, if the assigned editor is bound to a dataset field whose values are formatted as currency values (TAggregateField.Currency, TBCDField.Currency, TFloatField.Currency, or TFMTBCDField.Currency). Otherwise, the data format is Number.
TcxDateEdit Date
TcxTimeEdit Time
TcxSpinEdit Number

If any other editor is assigned to a cell, the ExportGridToXLSXStream procedure exports its display text regardless of the AUseNativeFormat parameter value. If it is impossible to convert display text to the target data type for any reason, the display text is exported as a string.


The listed data formats are used for value conversion only. They do not correspond to cell number formats found in Microsoft Excel®. Populated cells have the General format.

Summary values use the same data type as cell values against which these summaries are calculated if the following conditions are met for the corresponding summary items:

  • An empty string is assigned to a summary item’s Format property.
  • An OnGetText event handler is not assigned to a summary item.

Code Example

VCL Data Grid: A Source Data Grid Example

The following code example exports grid content to a file in XLSX format without expanding detail pages:

uses cxGridExportLink;
// ...
  AStream: TMemoryStream;
  AStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
  ExportGridToXLSXStream(AStream, cxGrid1, False);

The following image demonstrates the exported content of a memory stream when it is saved to a file:

VCL Data Grid: Exported Data in XLSX Format

See Also