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ExportGridDataToXMLStream(TStream,TcxGrid,Boolean,Boolean,TObject) Method

Exports cell content of a data grid to a stream in XML format.


procedure ExportGridDataToXMLStream(AStream: TStream; AGrid: TcxGrid; AExpand: Boolean = True; ASaveAll: Boolean = True; AHandler: TObject = nil);


Name Type Description
AStream TStream

The target stream.

AGrid TcxGrid

The source data grid control.

AExpand Boolean

Optional. If True, the procedure exports all rows, including the rows hidden within collapsed group rows and master rows. If False, the procedure exports only visible rows.

ASaveAll Boolean

Optional. If True, the procedure exports all or visible rows, depending on the AExpand parameter value. If False, the procedure exports only selected rows. In grid mode, the ASaveAll parameter value is ignored.

AHandler TObject

Optional. Specifies a handler object that should implement the IcxExportBeforeSave and/or IcxExportProgress interfaces to allow you to perform specific actions before an export operation and track its progress. Refer to the following topic for detailed information on how to create and use handler objects: How to: Track Data Export Progress.


This procedure works similarly to ExportGridToXMLStream. Unlike it, ExpressGridDataToXMLStream exports only cell content in a simplified layout and ignores styles and look & feel settings.

See Also