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TcxGridCardViewStyles.GetCardBorderVisualParams(TcxCustomGridRecord,TcxViewParams) Method

Gets the TcxViewParams record containing information on the border’s style attributes when the card is focused.


procedure GetCardBorderVisualParams(ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord; out AParams: TcxViewParams); virtual;


Name Type
ARecord TcxCustomGridRecord
AParams TcxViewParams


The GetCardBorderVisualParams method obtains the style of the focus rectangle if it’s drawn. The focus rectangle is shown if the card is currently selected and the View’s OptionsSelection.CardBorderSelection property is set to True.

Otherwise, the style of the card border (specified by the CardBorder property, or by the OnGetCardBorderStyle event handler if implemented) will be obtained.

The ARecord parameter specifies the record that the currently processed row corresponds to;

The AParams parameter specifies style attributes that the method results in.

See Also