TcxGridCardViewRowStyles.OnGetCaptionStyle Event
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Occurs when repainting the caption region of a Card View row.
property OnGetCaptionStyle: TcxGridGetCellStyleEvent read; write;
The OnGetCaptionStyle event occurs every time that the caption of a Card View row should be redrawn. You can handle this event to redefine the style of a caption for individual records identified by the ARecord parameter. The default style of a Card View row caption is set in the Caption property. To redefine the style, you need to create a TcxStyle object and return it via the AStyle parameter. You should not create the style in the event handler. Instead, use the style repository (the TcxStyleRepository component) to create individual styles.
The Sender and AItem parameters define a Card View and an item (a Card View row) respectively.
See Also