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TcxGridBandedTableController.FocusNextColumnVertically(Integer,Boolean,Boolean) Method

Focuses the upper/lower focusable column in the current data row.


function FocusNextColumnVertically(AFocusedColumnIndex: Integer; AGoForward: Boolean; AGoOnCycle: Boolean): Boolean;


Name Type
AFocusedColumnIndex Integer
AGoForward Boolean
AGoOnCycle Boolean




A Banded Table View enables you to arrange columns in several lines by setting their Position.RowIndex properties. When a user focuses a column in the top line of the current record and presses the Down arrow key, the focus is moved to a relative column in a lower line of the same record. Pressing the Up arrow key in the last line focuses a relative column in an upper line.

The FocusNextColumnVertically function is used to focus the upper/lower column in these cases. It looks for a column relative to the AFocusedColumnIndex column in the following/preceding line(s) based on the AGoForward parameter. AGoForward specifies the direction of the search.

FocusNextColumnVertically calls the FindNextColumnVertically function to get the index of a required column. If the returned index is a valid, the corresponding column is focused. Refer to the FindNextColumnVertically description for more details.

FocusNextColumnVertically returns True, if a focusable column was found and focused. Otherwise, it returns False.

See Also