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TcxPivotGridCrossCellSummary.GetPrevCell(TcxPivotGridCrossCellSummary) Method

Returns the object that contains the summary values calculated for the cell in the column that precedes the column of a particular cell and corresponds to the same field.


function GetPrevCell(APrevCell: TcxPivotGridCrossCellSummary): TcxPivotGridCrossCellSummary;


Name Type
APrevCell TcxPivotGridCrossCellSummary




Call this function to get the object that contains the summary values calculated for the cell in the column that precedes the column of the cell which is referenced by the APrevCell parameter and corresponds to the same field as specified by the DataField property.

The GetPrevCell function returns nil when the column of the cell referenced by the APrevCell parameter has no preceding columns that correspond to the same field.

See Also