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Interactive Forms

  • 5 minutes to read

A PDF document can include a form with interactive fields. Users can edit such fields directly in the PDF Viewer control:

Interactive PDF Form Example

Set the PDF Viewer control’s OptionsForm.AllowEdit property to True to allow users to edit interactive fields.

#Interactive Form API

The PDF document container has the Form property that provides access to the loaded document’s interactive form. The form class implements an API you can use to import, export, and edit interactive field values. If the document has no form with interactive fields, the Form property getter creates an empty form object.

#Access Fields

The form class has two series of functions that allow you to access interactive fields by their names:

Get~ Functions
Return a field object directly. Note that these functions raise an exception if the form has no field with the specified name or the types of the found and requested fields do not match.
TryGet~ Functions
This is a safe alternative to Get~ functions. A TryGet~ function returns a field object as the AField parameter if the form includes a field with the specified name. A TryGet~ function returns a Boolean value to indicate if the specified field is available.

The following table lists all field access functions available in the TdxPDFForm class:

Get~ Function TryGet~ Function Description
GetButtonField TryGetButtonField Returns a non-exportable button field.
GetCheckBoxField TryGetCheckBoxField Returns a check box field.
GetComboBoxField TryGetComboBoxField Returns a combo box field.
GetListBoxField TryGetListBoxField Returns a list box field.
GetRadioGroupField TryGetRadioGroupField Returns a radio group field.
GetTextField TryGetTextField Returns a text box field.
GetField TryGetField Returns any supported interactive field. Cast the returned value to the corresponding field class to access all class-specific API members.

#Manage Interactive Form States

The interactive form API allows you to clear all populated fields or restore the default field values. To achieve these goals, call the PDF document container’s Form.ClearValues or Form.Reset procedure, respectively.

#Flatten Fields

The flatten operation converts an interactive field into static PDF draw commands. For example, you can flatten the populated fields you no longer need to edit. PDF documents with flattened interactive fields also take less time to render.

Call the PDF document container’s Form.Flatten or Form.Flatten(dxPDFForm.TdxPDFCustomField) procedure to flatten all or only specific interactive fields in a document.

#Fill Interactive Forms

You can programmatically edit any field obtained from an interactive form. The following code example loads the Demo.pdf file with an interactive form, populates its interactive fields, makes them static PDF content, and saves the result to the Result.pdf file:

  ADocument: TdxPDFDocument;
  ANationalityField: TdxPDFComboBoxField;
  AFirstNameField, ALastNameField: TdxPDFTextField;
  AGenderField: TdxPDFRadioGroupField;
  I: Integer;
  ADocument := TdxPDFDocument.Create;
    // Attempts to obtain a text field named "FirstName"
    if ADocument.Form.TryGetTextField('FirstName', AFirstNameField) then
      AFirstNameField.Text := 'Janet';
    // Attempts to obtain a text field named "LastName"
    if ADocument.Form.TryGetTextField('LastName', ALastNameField) then
      ALastNameField.Text := 'Leverling';
    // Attempts to obtain a combo box field named "Nationality"
    if ADocument.Form.TryGetComboBoxField('Nationality', ANationalityField) then
      for I := 0 to ANationalityField.ItemCount - 1 do
        if ANationalityField.Items[I].Value = 'United States' then
          ANationalityField.ItemIndex := I;
    // Attempts to obtain a radio group field named "Gender"
    if ADocument.Form.TryGetRadioGroupField('Gender', AGenderField) then
      for I := 0 to AGenderField.ItemCount - 1 do
        if AGenderField.Items[I].CheckedStateName = 'Female' then
          AGenderField.ItemIndex := I;
    ADocument.Form.Flatten;  // Flattens all fields on the form

#Import and Export Interactive Form Data

The PDF document container has the following API that you can use to import and export interactive field values in FDF, XFDF, XML, and TXT formats:

Form.LoadDataFromFile and Form.LoadDataFromStream
These procedures automatically detect the source data format, load field values, and populate the corresponding fields. If the loaded document’s form does not contain a field present in the source file or stream, the procedure ignores the field’s value.
Form.SaveDataToFile and Form.SaveDataToStream
These procedures save all exportable field values to the specified file or stream in any supported format. The SaveDataToFile procedure identifies the target format by the specified file name extension, while SaveDataToStream accepts the target format as the AFormat parameter.

The following code example imports interactive form data from a file in XFDF format and then exports the data in XML format:

  ADocument: TdxPDFDocument;
  ADocument := TdxPDFDocument.Create;


The current interactive form implementation does not allow you to edit the form structure or add/remove fields. You can use the interactive form API only to do the following:

  • Import and export interactive form data.
  • Access interactive fields by their names and edit field values.
  • Add or remove options available in list box, combo box, and radio group fields.
  • Flatten interactive fields (that is, make them static PDF document content).


Signature fields are uneditable. Use the PDF document container’s SignatureOptions property to configure a digital signature.