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Example 2: TcxDataSummaryItems.OnSummary

  • 2 minutes to read

A summary calculation involves iteration of item elements within a group and evaluation of a specific number (the number of item elements, sum, the maximum value etc.). It is possible to substitute an element value when calculating a summary.

Let us suppose that you have a table which represents information on the country population and area. To calculate the maximum density of population within a group of records you can use a summary of the skMax type and write the TcxDataSummaryItems.OnSummary event as follows. See the Creating Summaries topic regarding how to set summaries for a grid control.

procedure TForm1.cxGrid1DBTableView1TcxGridDBDataControllerTcxDataSummary
  ASender: TcxDataSummaryItems; Arguments: TcxSummaryEventArguments;
  var OutArguments: TcxSummaryEventOutArguments);
  AArea, APopulation: Extended;
  //Locate a value in the specific record for Area item
  AArea := ASender.DataController.Values[Arguments.RecordIndex, DBTableView1Area.Index];
  //Locate a value in the specific record for Population item
  APopulation := ASender.DataController.Values[Arguments.RecordIndex, DBTableView1Population.Index];
  //Set population density to Value
  OutArguments.Value := APopulation / AArea;