Custom Painting Hints
- 5 minutes to read
The NavBar control supports a custom draw feature. It can be applied to any NavBar control element. This topic explains how to implement custom painting of the NavBar control hints.
There are two hint types in the NavBar control: group hint and link hint. The NavBar control provides a number of events used for runtime hints customization:
Event | Description |
On |
Occurs when the group hint text is obtained. Allows you to specify the hint text for groups dynamically, as opposed to the default behavior of using the value in the Group. |
On |
Occurs when a group hint bounds are to be calculated. Allows the group hint bounds customization according to your. The TRect instance, representing the hint bounds is passed to the custom draw event. |
On |
Occurs when painting of a group hint is required. Two parameters of this event (the hint text and bounds) depend on the two previous events handlers. If these events are not handled, then the hint text is specified by the Group. |
On |
Occurs when the link hint text is required. Allows you to specify the hint text for items dynamically, as opposed to the default behavior of using the value in the Item. |
On |
Occurs when a link hint bounds are to be calculated. Allows the link hint bounds customization according to your. The TRect instance, representing the hint bounds is passed to the custom draw event. |
On |
Occurs when the painting of a link hint is required. Two parameters of this event (the hint text and bounds) depend on the two previous events handlers. If these events are not handled, then the hint text is specified by the Item. |
On |
Enables you to specify a custom size for hints displayed when hot-tracking icons within the navigation pane’s overflow panel. |
On |
Enables you to custom paint the hints displayed for icons within the navigation pane’s overflow panel. |
The following code demonstrates custom painting of the group and item link hints:
//This event handler specifies the group hint text
procedure TfmFeaturesMain.nbMainGetGroupHint(Sender: TObject;
AGroup: TdxNavBarGroup; var AHint: String);
//The group hint text is composed of the group caption
AHint := 'This is ' + AGroup.Caption + ' group';
//This event handler performs custom drawing of the group hint. The
//group hint text is specified via the previous event handler
procedure TfmFeaturesMain.nbMainCustomDrawGroupHint(Sender: TObject;
ACanvas: TCanvas; AGroup: TdxNavBarGroup; AHint: String; R: TRect;
var AHandled: Boolean);
//The Brush color for the hint area is set to clBtnFace
ACanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
//The hint area background is filled with Brush
//Two following lines draw the 3D border within the hint area
Frame3D(ACanvas, R, clWhite, clBlack, 1);
Frame3D(ACanvas, R, clBtnFace, clGray, 1);
//The hint text is drawn
ACanvas.TextRect(R, 1, 1, AHint);
//The AHandled parameter must be set to True,because the default
//hint painting is not requried
AHandled := True;
//This event handler specifies the link hint text
procedure TfmFeaturesMain.nbMainGetLinkHint(Sender: TObject;
ALink: TdxNavBarItemLink; var AHint: String);
//The item link hint is composed of the item caption
AHint := 'This is ' + ALink.Item.Caption + ' item';
//This event handler recalculates the link hint bounding rectangle to
//include the link's small image into it
procedure TfmFeaturesMain.nbMainCalcLinkHintRect(Sender: TObject;
ALink: TdxNavBarItemLink; AViewInfo: TdxNavBarViewInfo; var R: TRect);
Img: TBitmap;
Img := TBitmap.Create;
//The Img variable is assigned the small image of an item whose
//hint area bounds are calculated
imgSmall.GetBitmap(Alink.Item.SmallImageIndex, Img);
//The hint area bounds are resized to include the item's
//small image
R.Bottom := R.Top + Img.Height + 4;
R.Right := R.Right + Img.Width;
//This event handler performs custom drawing of the link hint. The
//link hint text and bounding rectangle are obtained from two
//previous event handlers
procedure TfmFeaturesMain.nbMainCustomDrawLinkHint(Sender: TObject;
ACanvas: TCanvas; ALink: TdxNavBarItemLink; AHint: String; R: TRect;
var AHandled: Boolean);
Img: TBitmap;
Img := TBitmap.Create;
//The Img variable is assigned the small image of an item whose
//hint is drawn
imgSmall.GetBitmap(Alink.Item.SmallImageIndex, Img);
//The Brush color for the hint area is set to clBtnFace
ACanvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
//The hint area background is filled with Brush
//Two following lines draw the 3D border within the hint area
Frame3D(ACanvas, R, clWhite, clBlack, 1);
Frame3D(ACanvas, R, clBtnFace, clGray, 1);
//The item's small image is drawn at the left of the hint area
Img.TransparentMode := tmFixed;
Img.TransparentColor := clWhite;
Img.Transparent := True;
ACanvas.Draw(2, 2, Img);
//The Brush style should be set to bsClear to prevent drawing of
//the hint text over the link small image
ACanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
ACanvas.TextRect(R, Img.Width + 1, 2, AHint);
//The AHandled parameter must be set to True,because the default
//hint painting is not requried
AHandled := True;
The result is demonstrated below:
Group hint | Item link hint |
![]() |
![]() |
See Also
Custom Painting Hints