Link Hint
A link hint is displayed when a user positions the mouse cursor over a link. It is specified by the Hint property of the item to which the current link refers. To enable link hints, set the NavBar control’s OptionsBehavior.Common.ShowLinksHint property to True.
Link hints are especially useful when a group uses icon layout (without captions) to display its links. The following image shows such a View with a hint for the last link:
The OnGetLinkHint event allows you to change hint text dynamically. It is fired before a hint is displayed for individual links.
You can specify the style for the hint box (background colors, font settings, alignment, etc) via the OptionsStyle.DefaultStyles.Hint and OptionsStyle.CustomStyles.Hint properties. These properties affect both group and link hints. The NavBar control declares an OnCustomDraw.LinkHint event which you can handle in order to provide a distinct style for link hints.
To provide centralized control over the appearance and behavior of hints in your application or form, use the Tcx