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Large Images

  • 2 minutes to read

NavBar groups and items can be associated with two images: large and small.

An item is presented within a group with the help of a link object which displays the item’s image (large or small) along with the item’s Caption. The type of image used is specified by the group’s LinksUseSmallImages property. Set it to False to make links within this group use large images. In this instance, each link is represented by a large image and the caption is displayed below.

Group images are supported only by Explorer Bar Views, SkinNavigationPaneView, Office11TaskPaneView, Office11NavigationPaneView, and Office12NavigationPaneView. They are displayed to the left of the group caption within a group header. If you want a specific NavBar group to use a large image instead of a small one, set the group’s UseSmallImages property to False.

To provide large images for certain item and group states (normal, disabled, and hot-tracked), use the NavBar control’s OptionsImage.LargeImages, OptionsImage.DisabledLargeImages, and OptionsImage.HotLargeImages collections.

To associate large images with a group or item, use the LargeImageIndex property. Items or groups are automatically associated with corresponding images, using the image index specified for items or groups in the normal state (the LargeImageIndex property).

The following screenshot shows a NavBar group with large images used by links and the group:

See Also