How to Create Layout Items and Groups
- 4 minutes to read
This topic describes how to create layout items and groups at design time, runtime and in code. Select one of the following links to jump to the desired section of this topic.
At Design Time
Via Layout Control’s Runtime UI
In Code
#At Design Time
To create layout items and groups, use the Customization Form. To invoke this form, double-click the control or click Designer… within the layout control‘s context menu.
Click the “Add Group” button to create a layout group within the Available Items pane.
Click the “Add Item” button to create a standard layout item.
To create an auxiliary layout item, click the “Add Auxiliary Item” button and select the item’s type within the button’s dropdown list.
After creation, every layout element represents an “available” element. The term “available” means that the element was created, but has not been placed within the layout control. “Available” layout elements are displayed within the Available Items pane.
When importing a form layout, layout elements are created automatically. To import a form’s layout into the layout control, click Import… within the control’s context menu.
#Via Layout Control’s Runtime UI
End-users can use the Customization Form to create only groups and certain auxiliary items – standard layout items and image items cannot be added by end-users.
#In Code
The table below lists layout elements and methods that allow you to create them:
Created Element | Method |
A layout control’s Create A layout container’s Create A layout group’s Create | |
A layout control’s Create A layout container’s Create A layout group’s Create | |
A layout control’s Create A layout container’s Create A layout group’s Create | |
Any Layout Element | A layout container’s Clone |
Use the layout control’s AvailableItems collection to access all the newly created items.
The following code sample demonstrates how to:
Create a layout group within the root group.
Create layout items for editor controls located on a form.
Create auxiliary items.
Add the created items to the group.
..., dxLayoutControl;
ALayoutGroup: TdxLayoutGroup;
ALayoutItem: TdxLayoutItem;
dxLayoutControl1.BeginUpdate; // Postpones updates
// Creates a child group within the root group
ALayoutGroup := TdxLayoutGroup(dxLayoutControl1.CreateGroup(nil, dxLayoutControl1.Items));
ALayoutGroup.CaptionOptions.Text := 'Group'; // Specifies the group caption
// Creates a layout item for cxTextEdit1
dxLayoutControl1.CreateItemForControl(cxTextEdit1, ALayoutGroup);
// Creates an empty space item and sets its height
TdxLayoutEmptySpaceItem(ALayoutGroup.CreateItem(TdxLayoutEmptySpaceItem)).Height := 20;
ALayoutGroup.CreateItemForControl(cxTextEdit2); // Creates a layout item for cxTextEdit2
ALayoutGroup.CreateItem(TdxLayoutSeparatorItem); // Creates a separator item within the group
ALayoutItem := TdxLayoutItem(dxLayoutControl1.CreateItem); // Creates a layout item
ALayoutItem.Control := cxTextEdit3;
ALayoutItem.Parent := ALayoutGroup; // Adds the item to the group created earlier
dxLayoutControl1.EndUpdate; // Resumes updates, even if an exception occurs