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OvertypeTextCommand Properties

Inserts text at the current position, replacing the text to the right of the mouse cursor.
Name Description
CommandSourceType Gets or sets the type of the source which has issued the command. Inherited from InsertTextCommand.
Culture Gets or sets the culture of inserted text. Inherited from InsertTextCommand.
HideDisabled Gets or sets whether the object to which the command is attached is hidden, if the command is disabled. Inherited from Command.
Id Gets the ID of the OvertypeTextCommand.
Image Gets an image associated with the command. Inherited from Command.
KeyTip Gets a key tip associated with the command. Inherited from Command.
LargeImage Gets a larger image associated with the command. Inherited from Command.
ShowsModalDialog Indicates whether a command invokes a modal dialog when executing. Inherited from Command.
SupportsImage Inherited from Command.
SvgImage Inherited from Command.
Text Specifies the text to be inserted into a document. Inherited from InsertTextCommand.
See Also