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DataFormComboBoxEditorAttribute Properties

Specifies that a data form uses a combo box editor for a property.
Name Description
CharacterCasing Gets or sets whether to automatically convert characters to lowercase or uppercase when a user enters text in the editor. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
ClearIconVisibility Gets or sets whether the clear icon is displayed. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
DisplayMember Gets or sets the name of the data source field whose values are displayed as drop-down list items.
FilterComparisonType Gets or sets the character case, culture, and sort rules used to compare strings when filtering drop-down list items.
FilterCondition Gets or sets the comparison operator used to search for the drop-down list items by the entered fragment.
InplaceLabelText Gets or sets the inplace editor’s label text. This is a bindable property. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
IsFilterEnabled Gets or sets whether item filtering by user input is enabled.
IsInplaceLabelFloating Gets or sets whether the label changes its position depending on the editor state, or it is pinned to the top of the editor box. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether users can change a value in the editor. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
Keyboard Gets or sets the type of keyboard used to input text. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
NoResultsFoundText Gets or sets the text that is displayed when the DataFormComboBoxItem does not contain items that match the filter string. This is a bindable property.
PickerShowMode Specifies a UI element used to show a list of available combo box items.
Placeholder Gets or sets the editor’s placeholder text. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
ReturnType Gets or sets the appearance of the ‘Return’ button on the operating system’s on-screen keyboard. Inherited from DataFormTextEditorAttributeBase.
TypeId When implemented in a derived class, gets a unique identifier for this Attribute. Inherited from Attribute.
ValueMember Gets or sets the name of the data source field whose values are assigned to drop-down list items and used to set a value of the data object’s property bound to the combo box.
See Also