ThemeColorScheme Properties
The set of colors used in a Theme of DevExpress .NET MAUI Controls.Name | Description |
Background | Gets the Background color. |
Error | Gets the Error color. |
ErrorContainer | Gets the ErrorContainer color. |
InverseOnSurface | Gets the InverseOnSurface color. |
InversePrimary | Gets the InversePrimary color. |
InverseSurface | Gets the InverseSurface color. |
Item[ThemeColor] | Gets the Color value of the specified ThemeColor. |
OnBackground | Gets the OnBackground color. |
OnError | Gets the OnError color. |
OnErrorContainer | Gets the OnErrorContainer color. |
OnPrimary | Gets the OnPrimary color. |
OnPrimaryContainer | Gets the OnPrimaryContainer color. |
OnPrimaryFixed | Gets the OnPrimaryFixed color. |
OnPrimaryFixedVariant | Gets the OnPrimaryFixedVariant color. |
OnSecondary | Gets the OnSecondary color. |
OnSecondaryContainer | Gets the OnSecondaryContainer color. |
OnSecondaryFixed | Gets the OnSecondaryFixed color. |
OnSecondaryFixedVariant | Gets the OnSecondaryFixedVariant color. |
OnSurface | Gets the *OnSurface color. |
OnSurfaceVariant | Gets the OnSurfaceVariant color. |
OnTertiary | Gets the OnTertiary color. |
OnTertiaryContainer | Gets the OnTertiaryContainer color. |
OnTertiaryFixed | Gets the OnTertiaryFixed color. |
OnTertiaryFixedVariant | Gets the OnTertiaryFixedVariant color. |
Outline | Gets the Outline color. |
OutlineVariant | Gets the OutlineVariant color. |
Primary | Gets the Primary color. |
PrimaryContainer | Gets the PrimaryContainer color. |
PrimaryFixed | Gets the PrimaryFixed color. |
PrimaryFixedDim | Gets the PrimaryFixedDim color. |
Scrim | Gets the *Scrim color. |
Secondary | Gets the Secondary color. |
SecondaryContainer | Gets the SecondaryContainer color. |
SecondaryFixed | Gets the SecondaryFixed color. |
SecondaryFixedDim | Gets the SecondaryFixedDim color. |
Shadow | Gets the Shadow color. |
Surface | Gets the Surface color. |
SurfaceBright | Gets the SurfaceBright color. |
SurfaceContainer | Gets the SurfaceContainer color. |
SurfaceContainerHigh | Gets the SurfaceContainerHigh color. |
SurfaceContainerHighest | Gets the SurfaceContainerHighest color. |
SurfaceContainerLow | Gets the SurfaceContainerLow color. |
SurfaceContainerLowest | Gets the SurfaceContainerLowest color. |
SurfaceDim | Gets the SurfaceDim color. |
SurfaceTint | Gets the SurfaceTint color. |
SurfaceVariant | Gets the SurfaceVariant color. |
Tertiary | Gets the Tertiary color. |
TertiaryContainer | Gets the TertiaryContainer color. |
TertiaryFixed | Gets the TertiaryFixed color. |
TertiaryFixedDim | Gets the TertiaryFixedDim color. |
See Also