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ThemeColorScheme Members

The set of colors used in a Theme of DevExpress .NET MAUI Controls.


Name Description
ThemeColorScheme(Theme) Initializes a new instance of the ThemeColorScheme class with specified settings.


Name Description
Background Gets the Background color.
Error Gets the Error color.
ErrorContainer Gets the ErrorContainer color.
InverseOnSurface Gets the InverseOnSurface color.
InversePrimary Gets the InversePrimary color.
InverseSurface Gets the InverseSurface color.
Item[ThemeColor] Gets the Color value of the specified ThemeColor.
OnBackground Gets the OnBackground color.
OnError Gets the OnError color.
OnErrorContainer Gets the OnErrorContainer color.
OnPrimary Gets the OnPrimary color.
OnPrimaryContainer Gets the OnPrimaryContainer color.
OnPrimaryFixed Gets the OnPrimaryFixed color.
OnPrimaryFixedVariant Gets the OnPrimaryFixedVariant color.
OnSecondary Gets the OnSecondary color.
OnSecondaryContainer Gets the OnSecondaryContainer color.
OnSecondaryFixed Gets the OnSecondaryFixed color.
OnSecondaryFixedVariant Gets the OnSecondaryFixedVariant color.
OnSurface Gets the *OnSurface color.
OnSurfaceVariant Gets the OnSurfaceVariant color.
OnTertiary Gets the OnTertiary color.
OnTertiaryContainer Gets the OnTertiaryContainer color.
OnTertiaryFixed Gets the OnTertiaryFixed color.
OnTertiaryFixedVariant Gets the OnTertiaryFixedVariant color.
Outline Gets the Outline color.
OutlineVariant Gets the OutlineVariant color.
Primary Gets the Primary color.
PrimaryContainer Gets the PrimaryContainer color.
PrimaryFixed Gets the PrimaryFixed color.
PrimaryFixedDim Gets the PrimaryFixedDim color.
Scrim Gets the *Scrim color.
Secondary Gets the Secondary color.
SecondaryContainer Gets the SecondaryContainer color.
SecondaryFixed Gets the SecondaryFixed color.
SecondaryFixedDim Gets the SecondaryFixedDim color.
Shadow Gets the Shadow color.
Surface Gets the Surface color.
SurfaceBright Gets the SurfaceBright color.
SurfaceContainer Gets the SurfaceContainer color.
SurfaceContainerHigh Gets the SurfaceContainerHigh color.
SurfaceContainerHighest Gets the SurfaceContainerHighest color.
SurfaceContainerLow Gets the SurfaceContainerLow color.
SurfaceContainerLowest Gets the SurfaceContainerLowest color.
SurfaceDim Gets the SurfaceDim color.
SurfaceTint Gets the SurfaceTint color.
SurfaceVariant Gets the SurfaceVariant color.
Tertiary Gets the Tertiary color.
TertiaryContainer Gets the TertiaryContainer color.
TertiaryFixed Gets the TertiaryFixed color.
TertiaryFixedDim Gets the TertiaryFixedDim color.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from System.Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from System.Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from System.Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from System.Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from System.Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from System.Object.
See Also