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DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView Namespace

Contains classes that implement the DXCollectionView functionality.

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView


Name Description
CancelItemEventArgs Contains data for events that allow you to cancel actions performed with collection view items.
CollectionViewGestureEventArgs Provides data for the Tap event.
CollectionViewGroupItemAppearance An object that contains a DXCollectionView‘s group item appearance properties.
CollectionViewItemAppearance An object that contains a DXCollectionView item’s appearance properties.
CollectionViewLocalizer An object that localizes the text lines displayed in the DXCollectionView.
CollectionViewSelectedItemAppearance An object that contains a DXCollectionView selected item’s appearance properties.
CollectionViewSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SelectionChanged event.
CompleteItemDragDropEventArgs Provides data for the CompleteItemDragDrop event.
CustomSwipeItem Defines a view for a custom swipe item.
DragItemEventArgs Provides data for the DragItem event.
DropItemEventArgs Provides data for the DropItem and DragItemOver events.
DXCollectionView A collection view.
DXCollectionViewActualAppearance An appearance object.
DXCollectionViewCommands Provides access to CollectionView commands.
DXCollectionViewScrolledEventArgs Contains data for the Scrolled event.
GroupDescription Describes how to arrange data items into groups.
GroupInfo Contains information about a group of data items and serves as a binding context for the GroupHeaderTemplate template.
Initializer static Contains the Init() method that initializes classes from the DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView namespace.
ItemEventArgs The base class for classes that provide data for events that are raised when users interact with items.
SortDescription Specifies how to sort CollectionView items.
SortDescriptionBase A base class for classes that specify sort options for the Collection View.
SwipeContainer Contains appearance and behavior settings for data items that users can swipe.
SwipeItemActualAppearance An appearance object.
SwipeItemBase The base class for swipe items.
SwipeItemCollection The collection of (xref:DevExpress.Maui.CollectionView.SwipeItem) and/or CustomSwipeItem objects.
SwipeItemShowingEventArgs Contains data for the SwipeItemShowing event.
SwipeItemTapEventArgs Provides data for the Tap event.


Name Description
CollectionViewStringId Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized.
FullSwipeMode Lists values that specify how the collection view handles a full swipe across the row.
LayoutOrientation Lists the direction of a DXCollectionView‘s child item flow.