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IOptionsSpellings Members

The options used for the spelling check.


Name Description
CheckFromCursorPos Start spelling check from the cursor position.
CheckSelectedTextFirst Spell check the selected text first.
IgnoreEmails Gets or sets whether e-mail addresses should be excluded from the check.
IgnoreMarkupTags Gets or sets whether text enclosed with specific markup tags should be checked.
IgnoreMixedCaseWords Gets or sets whether the spell checker ignores words containing different case letters in positions other than the first.
IgnoreRepeatedWords Gets or sets whether the spell checker ignores repeated words.
IgnoreUpperCaseWords Gets or sets whether the spell checker ignores words in which all letters are uppercase.
IgnoreUrls Gets or sets whether the spell checker ignores the URLs in text.
IgnoreWordsWithNumbers Gets or sets whether the spell checker ignores words that contain numbers.


Name Description
BeginUpdate() Locks the IOptionsSpellings object by preventing visual updates until the EndUpdate method is called.
EndUpdate() Unlocks the IOptionsSpellings object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update.


Name Description
OptionChanged Occurs when any of the spelling check options are changed.
See Also