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ReminderInfoCollectionXmlPersistenceHelper.ObjectFromXml(ReminderInfoCollection, String) Method

Restores reminder information from the specified XML string.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Xml

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Scheduler.Core


public static ReminderInfoCollection ObjectFromXml(
    ReminderInfoCollection reminderInfos,
    string xml


Name Type Description
reminderInfos DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Xml.ReminderInfoCollection

A collection of reminder information.

xml String

A string containing information in xml format.


Type Description

A collection of objects that contain information about reminders.


To restore reminder info for the appointment from an XML string, use the ObjectFromXml method to obtain a DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Xml.ReminderInfoCollection object.

ReminderInfoCollection parsedReminders = new ReminderInfoCollection();
ReminderInfoCollectionXmlPersistenceHelper.ObjectFromXml(parsedReminders, reminderXML);

KB Article: Scheduler - How to parse (save/restore) information about reminders, resources, and recurring patterns from/to XML

See Also