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IResourceNavigationService Members

In This Article
Provides properties and methods for the resource list navigation.


Name Description
FirstVisibleResourceIndex Gets or sets the visible index of the first resourse currently displayed on-screen.
ResourcePerPage Gets or sets the number of visible resources in group mode.


Name Description
CanGoToResource(Resource) Indicates whether the Scheduler can navigate to the specified resource.
CanGoToResourceById(Object) Indicates whether the Scheduler can navigate to the specified resource.
CanNavigateBackward() Indicates whether there is a resource in the list before the current position to which navigation is alllowed.
CanNavigateFirst() Indicates whether navigation to the first resource in a list is allowed.
CanNavigateForward() Indicates whether you can advance to the next resource in a list.
CanNavigateLast() Indicates whether navigation to the last resource in a list is allowed.
CanNavigatePageBackward() Indicates whether the Scheduler can move back one visible resource frame.
CanNavigatePageForward() Indicates whether the Scheduler can advance one visible resource frame.
GoToResource(Resource) Navigates to the specified resource.
GoToResourceById(Object) Navigates to the specified resource.
NavigateBackward() Moves the Scheduler to the previous resource in a list.
NavigateFirst() Navigates to the first resource in a list.
NavigateForward() Moves the Scheduler to the next resource in a list.
NavigateLast() Navigates to the last resource in a list.
NavigatePageBackward() Navigates one visible resource page backward.
NavigatePageForward() Navigates one visible resource page forward.
See Also