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AppointmentConflictsCalculator Class

Enables you to discover conflicting appointments.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.Native

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraScheduler.v24.2.Core.dll


public class AppointmentConflictsCalculator


The AppointmentConflictsCalculator class enables you to find out whether there are conflicting appointments within the specified time interval and obtain a collection of these appointments.

To check appointments, create an appointment collection and pass it to the AppointmentConflictsCalculator‘s constructor. Call the AppointmentConflictsCalculator.CalculateConflicts method to compare the specified appointment with the calculator’s collection.

Note that if both compared appointments last infinitely (the RecurrenceInfo.Range property is set to the RecurrenceRange.NoEndDate value), the conflicts calculator skips this pair.


See Also