WatermarkCollection.AddRange(Watermark[]) Method
In This Article
Adds the specified watermarks to WatermarkCollection
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Drawing
Assembly: DevExpress.Printing.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Printing.Core
Name | Type | Description |
items | Watermark[] | An array of Watermark objects. |
This example demonstrates how to add watermarks to a report document.
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Drawing;
using DevExpress.Drawing;
public partial class XtraReport1 : DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XtraReport {
public XtraReport1() {
Watermark pictureWatermark = new Watermark();
// Set watermark options.
pictureWatermark.Image = Bitmap.FromFile("watermark.png");
pictureWatermark.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
pictureWatermark.ImageTiling = false;
pictureWatermark.ImageViewMode = ImageViewMode.Stretch;
pictureWatermark.ImageTransparency = 150;
pictureWatermark.ImagePosition = WatermarkPosition.Behind;
pictureWatermark.PageRange = "1";
Watermark textWatermark = new Watermark();
// Set watermark options.
textWatermark.Text = "CUSTOM WATERMARK TEXT";
textWatermark.TextDirection = DirectionMode.ForwardDiagonal;
textWatermark.Font = new DXFont(textWatermark.Font.Name, 40);
textWatermark.ForeColor = Color.DodgerBlue;
textWatermark.TextTransparency = 150;
textWatermark.TextPosition = WatermarkPosition.InFront;
textWatermark.PageRange = "1";
// Add watermarks to the collection.
Watermarks.AddRange(new Watermark[] { pictureWatermark, textWatermark });
See Also