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EPCDataConverter Properties

Converts data elements into the format required for EPC QR Codes.
Name Description
BeneficiaryName Gets or sets a value for the BeneficiaryName data element.
BIC Gets or sets a value for the BIC data element.
BinaryData Gets the binary representation of the data for the EPC QR Code.
Encoding Gets or sets the encoding (character set) for EPC QR Codes.
IBAN Gets or sets a value for the IBAN data element.
Information Gets or sets a value for the Information data element.
PaymentReference Gets or sets a value for the PaymentReference data element.
RemittanceInformation Gets or sets a value for the RemittanceInformation data element.
StringData Gets the string representation of the data for the EPC QR Code.
TransferAmount Gets or sets a value for the TransferAmount data element.
TransferPurpose Gets or sets the TransferPurpose data element.
Version Gets or sets the EPC QR Code version.
See Also