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PivotGridFieldBase Members

Represents the base class for the PivotGridField class.


Name Description
PivotGridFieldBase() Initializes a new instance of the PivotGridFieldBase class with the default settings.
PivotGridFieldBase(PivotGridData) Initializes a new instance of the PivotGridFieldBase class.
PivotGridFieldBase(String, PivotArea) Initializes a new instance of the PivotGridFieldBase class with the specified field name and location.


Name Description

A default value of the PivotGridFieldBase.MinWidth property, which specifies the minimum allowed width of columns that correspond to the current field.

Return value: 20


A default value of the PivotGridFieldBase.Width property, which specifies the width of columns that correspond to the current field.

Return value: 100


Specifies the maximum height of column field values, in lines.

Return value: 5


Specifies the maximum height of row field values, in lines.

Return value: 5


Specifies the minimum height of column/row field values, in lines.

Return value: 1

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Name Description
ActualDataType Gets the field’s actual data type.
ActualSortMode This member supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
AllowedAreas Gets or sets the areas within which the field can be positioned.
AnnotationAttributes Returns the object that contains current values for all existing Data Annotation Attributes.
Area Gets or sets the area in which the field is displayed.
AreaIndex Gets or sets the field’s index from among the other fields displayed within the same area.
AutoPopulatedProperties Get or set a collection of OLAP member properties.
CalculateHiddenSummaries Allows you to calculate summary values for hidden data fields.
CanFilter This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CanHide This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
CanSort This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
CanSortBySummary Gets whether the current field’s values can be sorted by values in other columns/rows.
Caption Gets or sets the field’s display caption.
CellFormat Provides access to the format settings applied to cells.
ColumnHandle Obsolete. Gets the field’s unique identifier.
ColumnValueLineCount If the current field is displayed in the Column Header Area, this property gets or sets the height of the field’s values, in text lines.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
DataBinding Gets or sets an object that specifies the Pivot Grid field’s source data.
DataType Gets the field’s data type.
DefaultDateFormat static Provides access to global formatting settings for date/time values.
DefaultDecimalFormat static Provides access to global formatting settings for decimal values.
DefaultPercentFormat static Provides access to global formatting settings for percent values.
DefaultTotalFormat static Provides access to global format settings for total values.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DisplayFolder Gets or sets the name of the folder containing the field.
DrillDownColumnName For internal use.
EmptyCellText Gets the text displayed by an empty cell.
EmptyValueText Gets the text used for an empty field value header.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
ExpandedInFieldsGroup Gets or sets the expansion status of the current field if it belongs to a field group.
ExpressionFieldName Gets the field’s name in unbound expressions.
FieldName Gets or sets the name of the database field that is assigned to the current PivotGridFieldBase object.
FilterColumnName Gets the column name mapped to the field in the filter control’s view model. For internal use.
FilterValues Gets or sets filter values for the current field.
GrandTotalCellFormat Provides access to the format settings applied to grand total values.
GrandTotalText Gets or sets the text displayed within the Grand Total‘s header that corresponds to the current field.
Group Gets the group which owns the current field.
GroupIndex Gets the index of the field group which owns the current field.
GroupInterval Gets or sets how the values of the current column or row field are combined into groups.
GroupIntervalNumericRange Gets or sets the length of the intervals when values are grouped together.
HasNullValues Gets whether the field has null values.
HeaderDisplayText Returns the string displayed within the field’s header, taking into account the field’s PivotGridFieldBase.Caption and the PivotGridFieldBase.SummaryType. The field’s summary type is appended to the field’s Caption if the PivotGridFieldOptions.ShowSummaryTypeName property is enabled.
Hierarchy Gets the hierarchy to which the dimension level represented by the current field belongs.
InnerGroupIndex Gets the index of the field in a field group.
InvalidPropertyDisplayText static For internal use.
IsColumn Gets whether the field is displayed within the Column Header Area.
IsColumnOrRow Gets whether the current field is displayed within the Column Header Area or Row Header Area.
IsDataField This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
IsUnboundExpressionValid Gets whether the PivotGridFieldBase.UnboundExpression property’s value specifies a valid expression.
KPIGraphic Gets or sets a graphic set used to indicate KPI values.
KPIType Gets the KPI type.
MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum allowed width of columns that correspond to the current field.
Name Gets or sets the field’s name.
NamePrefix static Gets the prefix that is used to create field names at design time.
OLAPDimensionCaption Specifies the OLAP dimension’s caption displayed in the Customization form’s field list.
OLAPDrillDownColumnName In OLAP mode, gets the name of the corresponding column in the underlying data source, on an OLAP server.
OLAPExpression Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate values for the current unbound field in OLAP.
Options Contains the field’s options.
RowValueLineCount If the current field is displayed in the Row Header Area, this property gets or sets the height of the field’s values, in text lines.
RunningTotal Gets or sets whether Running totals are calculated for values in the Data Area that correspond to the current column or row field.
ShowActiveFilterButton Gets whether the Filter Button is displayed as active.
ShowFilterButton Gets whether the Filter Button is visible within the current field’s header.
ShowNewValues Gets or sets whether field values that have appeared in the datasource after the field’s filtering was configured should be shown.
ShowSortButton Gets whether the Sort Button is visible in the current field’s header.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
SortByAttribute Gets or sets the OLAP member property name by which the pivot grid’s data is sorted.
SortBySummaryInfo Contains the settings used to sort the values of the current column field or row field by summary values in rows/columns.
SortMode Gets or sets how the field’s data is sorted.
SortOrder Gets or sets the field’s sort order.
SummaryDisplayType Gets or sets how a summary value calculated against the current data field is represented in a cell.
SummaryFilter Gets summary filtering settings.
SummaryType Gets or sets the type of the summary function which is calculated against the current data field.
Tag Gets or sets the data associated with the field.
TopValueCount Gets or sets the absolute or relative number of field values that should be displayed for the current column field or row field.
TopValueMode Gets or sets whether top n values for a specified data field are calculated based on all data source records or in the parent category.
TopValueShowOthers Gets or sets whether the “Others” item is displayed within the Pivot Grid when the Top X Value feature is enabled.
TopValueType Gets or sets how the number of Top Values is determined.
TotalCellFormat Provides access to the format settings applied to total cells.
TotalsVisibility Gets or sets whether to display totals for the current field when it is in the Column Header Area or Row Header Area and if so, whether they are automatic or custom.
TotalValueFormat Provides access to the format settings applied to the total header.
UnboundExpression Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate the unbound field’s value.
UnboundExpressionMode Gets or sets how the specified data field’s unbound expression is calculated.
UnboundFieldName Gets or sets the name of a column in a summary data source that corresponds to the current unbound field.
UnboundType Gets or sets the field’s data type and binding mode.
UseDecimalValuesForMaxMinSummary For internal use.
UseNativeFormat Gets or sets whether to use the current field’s data format when the Pivot Grid Control is exported in XLS/XLSX formats.
ValueFormat Provides access to the format settings applied to field values.
Visible Gets or sets whether the field is visible.
Width Gets or sets the width of columns that correspond to the current field.

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Name Description
Assign(PivotGridFieldBase) Copies settings from the specified object to the current object.
CanShowValueType(PivotGridValueType, Boolean) For internal use.
ChangeSortOrder() Toggles the sort order for the current field.
CollapseAll() Collapses all rows/columns that correspond to the current column field or row field.
CollapseValue(Object) Collapses the column/row that contains the specified value.
CreateObjRef(Type) Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExpandAll() Expands all columns/rows that correspond to the current column field or row field.
ExpandValue(Object) Expands the column/row that contains the specified value.
GetAvailableValues() Returns a list of field values that are not excluded by filters applied to other fields and can be displayed.
GetAvailableValuesAsync() Asynchronously returns a list of field values that are not excluded by filters applied to other fields and can be displayed.
GetDisplayText(Object) Returns the display representation of the specified value, according to the settings used to format field values.
GetGrandTotalText() Returns the actual text displayed within the Grand Total‘s header which corresponds to the current field.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetLifetimeService() Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
GetOlapDefaultSortProperty() Returns the name of an OLAP member property used to set the default member sorting.
GetOLAPMemberProperties() Returns a list of OLAP member properties.
GetOLAPMembers() Returns an array of the OLAP members for the current field.
GetService(Type) protected Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component.
GetSummaryInterval() Returns information about the distribution of summary values that have been calculated against this field and belong to the lowest detail level.
GetSummaryInterval(PivotGridFieldBase, PivotGridFieldBase) Returns information about the distribution of summary values that have been calculated against this field and belong to the specified detail level.
GetTotalOthersText() Returns the text displayed within the total header which corresponds to the “Others” row/column.
GetTotalValueText(Object) Returns a formatted text representation of the specified value according to the settings used to represent the headers of column or row totals.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetUniqueValues() Returns an array of the unique values which are stored in the underlying data source in the current field.
GetUniqueValues(CriteriaOperator) Returns an array of the unique values which are stored in the underlying data source in the current field.
GetValueText(IOLAPMember) Returns a formatted text representation of the specified OLAP member according to the settings used to format field values.
GetValueText(Object) Returns a formatted text representation of the specified value according to the settings used to format field values.
GetVisibleValues() Returns the field values currently shown in the PivotGrid.
InitializeLifetimeService() Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
IsAreaAllowed(PivotArea) Returns whether the current field can be positioned within the specified area.
IsDefaultFormat(FormatInfo) static Returns whether the specified formatting settings match the default ones.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.
OnEndDeserializing(String) This method supports the control’s internal infrastructure and is not intended to be called directly from your code.
OnEndSerializing() This method supports the control’s internal infrastructure and is not intended to be called directly from your code.
OnStartDeserializing(LayoutAllowEventArgs) This method supports the control’s internal infrastructure and is not intended to be called directly from your code.
OnStartSerializing() This method supports the control’s internal infrastructure and is not intended to be called directly from your code.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SetAreaPosition(PivotArea, Int32) Positions the field in the specified area and at the specified location.
SetSortBySummary(PivotGridFieldBase, List<PivotGridFieldSortCondition>, Nullable<PivotSummaryType>, Boolean) Sorts field values by another column’s/row’s values.
ToString() Returns the field’s display text.

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Name Description
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
See Also