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IRangeControlClient Members

The interface that a Range Control Client must implement to be embedded in Range Control (RangeControl or RangeControl).


Name Description
InvalidText This property should specify the description of the Client’s current invalid state.
IsCustomRuler This property should return a value indicating whether the Range Control must reserve space to paint the ruler.
IsValid This property should indicate whether the Client’s state is valid and the Client should render itself within the viewport.
NormalizedRulerDelta This property should return the normalized distance between the ruler’s adjacent tickmarks.
RangeBoxBottomIndent This property returns the bottom indent of the selection area within the viewport.
RangeBoxTopIndent This property returns the top indent of the selection area within the viewport.
RulerDelta This property returns the distance between the ruler’s adjacent tickmarks.


Name Description
Calculate(Rectangle) This method is fired when the RangeControl’s state, size or settings are changed.
CalculateSelectionBounds(RangeControlPaintEventArgs, Rectangle) When implemented by a class, this method allows you to provide custom selection bounds.
DrawContent(RangeControlPaintEventArgs) Renders the Range Control’s viewport.
DrawRuler(RangeControlPaintEventArgs) This method allows you to manually draw the ruler. It returns a value indicating whether the ruler has been drawn.
DrawSelection(RangeControlPaintEventArgs) When implemented by a class, this method custom draws the selected region.
GetNormalizedValue(Object) Converts a ruler’s regular value (between the total range’s Minimum and Maximum) into a normalized value (between 0 and 1).
GetOptions() The method should return an object that exposes the Client’s customization options for the Range Control.
GetRuler(RulerInfoArgs) This method should return custom ruler values if these values are not equally spaced.
GetValue(Double) Converts a ruler’s normalized value (between 0 and 1) into a regular value (between the total range’s Minimum and Maximum).
IsValidType(Type) This method indicates whether the specified type of ruler values is supported.
OnClick(RangeControlHitInfo) This method is called when an end-user clicks within the Range Control’s viewport.
OnRangeChanged(Object, Object) This method is called by the Range Control to notify the Client that the range has been changed.
OnRangeControlChanged(IRangeControl) This method is fired when the client is attached to a new Range Control.
OnResize() This method is called when the Range Control’s size is changed.
RulerToString(Int32) Returns the text representation of ruler values
SupportOrientation(RangeControlClientOrientation) This method checks whether the client control that accepts a DevExpress Range Control supports the given Range Control orientation.
UpdateHotInfo(RangeControlHitInfo) This method is fired when you move the mouse cursor over the viewport.
UpdatePressedInfo(RangeControlHitInfo) This method is fired when you press the mouse button within the viewport (without releasing the mouse button).
ValidateRange(NormalizedRangeInfo) Validates a range when it is changed.
ValidateScale(Double) Validates a scale(zoom) factor.
ValueToString(Double) Returns the text representation of normalized values.


Name Description
RangeChanged This event must fire when the Client’s range setting is changed.
See Also