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IReportServerClient Methods

If implemented by a class, provides the client-side functionality for a DevExpress Report Server.
Name Description
ClearDocumentAsync(DocumentId, Object) Starts clearing the document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
CloneReport(Int32, ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<ReportDto>>) Creates a copy of the specified report.
CreateCategoryAsync(String, Object) Asynchronously creates a report category.
CreateReport(ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<CreateReportResult>>) Creates a copy of the specified report.
CreateReportAsync(ReportDto, Object) Asynchronously creates a new report.
CreateReportCategory(String, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Int32>>) Creates a new report category with the specified name.
CreateScheduledJobAsync(ScheduledJobDto, Object) Asynchronously creates a scheduled job.
DeleteCategoryAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously deletes a report category.
DeleteDataModelAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously deletes a data model.
DeleteReport(Int32, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) Deletes the specified report.
DeleteReportCategory(Int32, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) Deletes the specified report category.
DeleteScheduledJobAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously deletes a scheduled job.
ExecuteJobAsync(Int32, Nullable<Int32>, Object) Asynchronously executes a scheduled job.
GetBuildStatusAsync(DocumentId, Object) Starts obtaining the document build status (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetCategories(Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<IEnumerable<CategoryDto>>>) Returns a collection of items to be displayed in the categories list.
GetCategoriesAsync(Object) Asynchronously returns a collection of report categories.
GetColumnsAsync(String, TableInfo, Object) Asynchronously returns the data columns corresponding to a specified data member.
GetColumnsAsync(String, TableInfo) Asynchronously returns the data columns corresponding to a specified data member.
GetDataMembersAsync(String, Object) Asynchronously returns the list of data members corresponding to a specified data source.
GetDataMembersAsync(String) Asynchronously returns the list of data members corresponding to a specified data source.
GetDataModelAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously gets a data model.
GetDataModelsAsync(Object) Asynchronously gets a collection of data models.
GetDataSourcesAsync() Asynchronously returns the list of available data sources.
GetDataSourcesAsync(Object) Asynchronously returns the list of available data sources.
GetDataSourceSchema(Int32, Object) Obtains an XML schema of the specified data source.
GetDocumentDataAsync(DocumentId, Object) Starts obtaining the document data (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetDrillThroughDetailReportAsync(InstanceIdentity, String, Object) Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetExportedDocumentAsync(ExportId, Object) Starts obtaining the exported document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetExportStatusAsync(ExportId, Object) Starts obtaining the exported document’s status (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetLookUpValuesAsync(InstanceIdentity, ReportParameter[], String[], Object) Asynchronously obtains a collection of parameter values assigned to a lookup editor. Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetPagesAsync(DocumentId, Int32[], PageCompatibility, Object) Starts obtaining the document pages (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetPrintDocumentAsync(PrintId, Object) Starts obtaining the printed document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetPrintStatusAsync(PrintId, Object) Starts obtaining the status of the printed document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetReportCatalogItemDto(Int32) Gets properties of the specified report to be displayed in a report catalog.
GetReportParametersAsync(InstanceIdentity, Object) Starts obtaining the report parameters (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
GetReportRevisions(Int32, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<IEnumerable<LayoutRevisionDto>>>) Gets a collection of revisions for the specified report.
GetReports(Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<IEnumerable<ReportCatalogItemDto>>>) Gets a collection of items to be displayed in a report catalog.
GetReportsAsync(Object) Asynchronously gets a collection of reports.
GetScheduledJobAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously returns a specified scheduled job.
GetScheduledJobLogsAsync(Int32, DataPagination, Object) Asynchronously returns the logs corresponding to a specified scheduled job.
GetScheduledJobLogsCountAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously returns the total number of logs corresponding to a specified scheduled job.
GetScheduledJobResultAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously returns the result of a scheduled job.
GetScheduledJobResultsAsync(Int32, DataPagination, Object) Asynchronously returns the history of results corresponding to a specified scheduled job log.
GetScheduledJobResultsCountAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously returns the total number of results corresponding to a specified scheduled job log.
GetScheduledJobsAsync(Object) Asynchronously returns all scheduled jobs.
LoadReport(Int32, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<ReportDto>>) Loads the specified report from the server storage.
LoadReportAsync(Int32, Object) Asynchronously loads a report.
LoadReportLayoutByRevisionId(Int32, Int32, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Byte[]>>) Gets the specified revision of a report layout.
LockReport(Int32) Obsolete. Locks the specified report.
Ping(Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>, Object) Checks a server for availability.
RollbackReportLayout(Int32, Int32, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) Rolls the layout of a report back to the specified revision.
SaveReportById(Int32, ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Int32>>) Saves the specified report to the server storage.
StartBuildAsync(InstanceIdentity, ReportBuildArgs, Object) Starts building the report (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
StartExportAsync(DocumentId, DocumentExportArgs, Object) Starts exporting the document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
StartPrintAsync(DocumentId, PageCompatibility, Object) Starts printing the document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
StopBuildAsync(DocumentId, Object) Stops building the document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
StopPrintAsync(PrintId, Object) Stops printing the document (asynchronously). Inherited from IReportServiceClient.
UnlockReport(Int32) Obsolete. Unlocks the specified report.
UpdateCategoryAsync(Int32, String, Nullable<Int32>, Object) Asynchronously updates a report category.
UpdateDataModelAsync(DataModelDto, Object) Asynchronously updates a data model.
UpdateReport(Int32, ReportDto, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<Int32>>) Updates properties of the specified report.
UpdateReportAsync(Int32, ReportDto, Object) Asynchronously updates an existing report.
UpdateReportCategory(Int32, String, Nullable<Int32>, Object, Action<AsyncCompletedEventArgs>) Updates the name of the specified report category.
UpdateScheduledJobAsync(ScheduledJobDto, Object) Asynchronously updates a scheduled job.
UploadLayout(Stream, Object, Action<ScalarOperationCompletedEventArgs<TransientReportId>>) Uploads report layout data onto a server.
See Also