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INavigationService Members

Provides members to navigate between Views.


Name Description
CanGoBack Specifies whether it is possible to perform a navigation to the previous view.
CanGoForward Specifies whether it is possible to perform a navigation to the next view.
CanNavigate Gets a value indicating whether a NavigationFrame associated with the current service can navigate.
Current Returns the current view model.


Name Description
ClearCache() Clears the navigation cache.
ClearNavigationHistory() Clears the navigation history.
GoBack() Performs a navigation to the previous view, if allowed.
GoBack(Object) Navigates back to the previously selected screen (view).
GoForward() Performs a navigation to the next view, if allowed.
GoForward(Object) Navigates forward to the next screen (view).
Navigate(String, Object, Object, Object, Boolean) Performs navigation to the target View.


Name Description
CanGoBackChanged Fires after the INavigationService.CanGoBack property value has been changed.
CanGoForwardChanged Fires after the INavigationService.CanGoForward property value has been changed.
CurrentChanged Fires after the INavigationService.Current property value has been changed.
See Also