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DXGraphics Methods
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Allows you to draw graphics content.
Name Description
Clear(Color) Clears the entire drawing surface and fills it with the specified background color.
Dispose() Disposes of the DXGraphics object.
DrawArc(DXPen, RectangleF, Single, Single) Draws an arc specified by a rectangle.
DrawBezier(DXPen, PointF, PointF, PointF, PointF) Draws a Bezier spline defined by points.
DrawBeziers(DXPen, PointF[]) Draws a series of Bezier splines defined by an array of points.
DrawEllipse(DXPen, RectangleF) Draws an ellipse in the specified rectangle.
DrawImage(DXImage, RectangleF, RectangleF) Draws a portion of the image so that it fits into the specified rectnangle.
DrawImage(DXImage, RectangleF) Draws an image so that it fits into the specified rectnagle.
DrawImage(DXImage, Int32, Int32) Draws an image at the specified location.
DrawLine(DXPen, PointF, PointF) Draws a line that connects two points.
DrawLine(DXPen, Single, Single, Single, Single) Draws a line that connects two points.
DrawLines(DXPen, Point[]) Draws a series of lines that connects an array of points.
DrawLines(DXPen, PointF[]) Draws a series of lines that connects an array of points.
DrawPath(DXPen, DXGraphicsPath) Draws a DXGraphicsPath object.
DrawPie(DXPen, Rectangle, Single, Single) Draws a pie shape.
DrawPolygon(DXPen, PointF[]) Draws a polygon defined by an array of points.
DrawRectangle(DXPen, RectangleF) Draws a rectangle.
DrawString(String, DXFont, DXBrush, PointF, DXStringFormat) Draws text in the specified rectangle. Allows you to specify brush, font, and string parameters.
DrawString(String, DXFont, DXBrush, RectangleF, DXStringFormat) Draws text in the specified rectangle. Allows you to specify brush, font, and string parameters.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FillEllipse(DXBrush, RectangleF) Fills the interior of an ellipse located in the specified rectangle.
FillPath(DXBrush, DXGraphicsPath) Fills the interior of the specified path.
FillPie(DXBrush, Rectangle, Single, Single) Fills the interior of the pie shape.
FillPolygon(DXBrush, PointF[]) Fills the interior of a polygon specified by array points.
FillRectangle(DXBrush, RectangleF) Fills the interior of a rectangle located in the specified area.
FillRectangle(DXBrush, Single, Single, Single, Single) Fills the interior of a rectangle located in the specified area.
FillRectangles(DXBrush, IList<RectangleF>) Fills the interior of a rectangle located in the specified area.
FillRegion(DXBrush, DXRegion) Fills the interior of a region.
Flush() Forces execution of all pending graphics operations and returns immediately without waiting for the operations to finish.
FromImage(DXBitmap) static Creates a new object from the specified image.
GetClip() Gets a region that limits the drawing region of the graphics layout.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MeasureString(String, DXFont, SizeF, DXStringFormat) Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified font, text layout size, and format.
MeasureString(String, DXFont, Single, DXStringFormat) Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified font, text layout size, and format.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
MultiplyTransform(DXMatrix, DXMatrixOrder) Multiplies the world transformation by a matrix in the specified order.
MultiplyTransform(DXMatrix) Multiplies the world transformation by the specified matrix.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ResetTransform() Resets the world transformation matrix to the identity matrix.
Restore(Object) Restores the state of this DXGraphics to the specified state.
RotateTransform(Single, DXMatrixOrder) Applies a rotation to the transformation matrix in the specified order.
RotateTransform(Single) Applies the specified rotation to the transformation matrix.
Save() Saves the current state of the DXGraphics object.
ScaleTransform(Single, Single, DXMatrixOrder) Scales the coordinate system by the specified scale factor. Allows you to set the operation order.
ScaleTransform(Single, Single) Scales the coordinate system by the specified scale factor.
SetClip(DXGraphicsPath, DXClipCombineMode) Performs the specified combining operation with the current clip region and a DXGraphicsPath object and sets the clipping rerion to the operation result.
SetClip(DXGraphicsPath) Sets the clipping region of to the specified DXGraphicsPath object.
SetClip(DXRegion, DXClipCombineMode) Performs the specified combining operation with the current clip region and another region and sets the clipping region to the operation result.
SetClip(DXRegion) Sets the clipping region to the specified region.
SetClip(RectangleF, DXClipCombineMode) Performs the specified combining operation with the current clip region and a rectangle and sets the clipping region to the operation result.
SetClip(RectangleF) Sets the clipping region to the specified rectangle.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
TranslateTransform(Single, Single, DXMatrixOrder) Translates the coordinate system origin to the specified point.
TranslateTransform(Single, Single) Translates the coordinate system origin to the specified point.
See Also