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SqlDataSource Events
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The data source that allows you to bind data-aware controls to a database (in read-only mode) using specified data connection options.
Name Description
BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssembly Occurs on an attempt to load a provider custom assembly (the FireBirdConnectionParameters.ClientLibrary property value) by the Firebird data provider for a specific SQL data source.
BeforeLoadProviderCustomAssemblyGlobal static Occurs on an attempt to load a provider custom assembly (the FireBirdConnectionParameters.ClientLibrary property value) by the Firebird data provider for SQL data sources.
ConfigureDataConnection Allows you to customize connection settings before connecting to a database.
ConnectionError Fires after an attempt to establish a data connection has failed.
CustomizeFilterExpression Allows you to include WHERE clauses in SQL queries.
Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component.
ValidateCustomSqlQuery Provides the capability to check the validity of the custom SQL query used to supply the data source with data.
ValidateCustomSqlQueryGlobal static Provides the capability to check the validity of the custom SQL query used to supply SQL data sources with data.
See Also