CsvSourceOptions Properties
Contains options used to extract data from the CSV file.Name | Description |
CellRange | Gets or sets the cell range from which data is imported. |
Culture | Gets or sets the culture information used to parse the data being imported. |
DetectEncoding | Gets or sets whether the character encoding is automatically determined. |
DetectNewlineType | Gets or sets whether a character type used to identify a new line in a CSV document is determined automatically. |
DetectValueSeparator | Gets or sets whether a character used to separate values in a CSV document is determined automatically. |
Encoding | Gets or sets the character encoding of the CSV document. |
EncodingName | |
NewlineType | Gets or sets the character used to identify a new line in a CSV document. |
SkipEmptyRows | Gets or sets whether or not to include empty rows into the resulting ExcelDataSource. Inherited from ExcelSourceOptionsBase. |
TextQualifier | Gets or sets the character that encloses values in the CSV document. |
TrimBlanks | Gets or sets whether to remove all leading and trailing white-space characters from each value in the CSV document. |
UseFirstRowAsHeader | Gets or sets whether to process the values of the first row as headers. Inherited from ExcelSourceOptionsBase. |
ValueSeparator | Gets or sets a character used to separate values in a CSV document. |
See Also