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UnaryOperator Members

An unary operator which performs an operation on only one expression.


Name Description
UnaryOperator() Initializes a new instance of the UnaryOperator class with default settings.
UnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorType, CriteriaOperator) Initializes a new instance of the UnaryOperator class with the specified operand and operator type.
UnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorType, String) Initializes a new instance of the UnaryOperator class with the specified settings.


Name Description
Operand A CriteriaOperator object which represents the operand.
OperatorType An UnaryOperatorType enumeration value which specifies the type of the unary operator.

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Name Description
CustomAggregateCount static Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
CustomFunctionCount static Returns the number of custom functions registered in an application via the CriteriaOperator.RegisterCustomFunction and CriteriaOperator.RegisterCustomFunctions method calls. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.

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Name Description
And(CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) static Returns the expression which groups two operands with logical AND. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
And(CriteriaOperator[]) static Returns the expression which groups the specified operands with logical AND. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
And(IEnumerable<CriteriaOperator>) static Returns the expression which groups the specified operands with logical AND. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Clone() Creates a copy of the current UnaryOperator instance.
Clone(CriteriaOperator) static Creates a copy of the specified CriteriaOperator object. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Clone(OperandProperty) static Creates a copy of the specified OperandProperty object. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
CriterionEquals(CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) static This method is intended for internal use. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the current object has the same settings as the specified object.
FormatConstantValue(Object) static Converts an object to a string that can be used in criteria expressions. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
FormatPropertyName(String) static Converts a property name to a string that can be used in criteria expressions. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
FromLambda<TModel>(Expression<Func<TModel, Boolean>>) static Converts the specified LINQ-like expression to its CriteriaOperator equivalent. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
FromLambda<TModel, TResult>(Expression<Func<TModel, TResult>>) static Converts the specified LINQ-like expression to its CriteriaOperator equivalent. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
GetCustomAggregate(String) static Searches custom aggregate functions registered in an application via the RegisterCustomAggregate(ICustomAggregate) and RegisterCustomAggregates(IEnumerable<ICustomAggregate>) method calls for a function with a specified name. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
GetCustomAggregates() static Searches custom aggregate functions registered in an application via the RegisterCustomAggregate(ICustomAggregate) and RegisterCustomAggregates(IEnumerable<ICustomAggregate>) method calls. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
GetCustomFunction(String) static Searches custom functions registered in an application via the CriteriaOperator.RegisterCustomFunction and CriteriaOperator.RegisterCustomFunctions method calls for a function with a specified name. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
GetCustomFunctions() static Returns custom functions registered in an application via the CriteriaOperator.RegisterCustomFunction and CriteriaOperator.RegisterCustomFunctions method calls. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
GetHashCode() Gets the hash code (a number) that corresponds to the value of the current UnaryOperator object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
IsNotNull() Initializes a new UnaryOperator instance that checks whether the current criteria is not null. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
IsNull() Initializes a new UnaryOperator instance that checks whether the current criteria is null. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
LegacyToString() Returns the string representation of the criteria specified by the current CriteriaOperator instance. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
LegacyToString(CriteriaOperator) static Returns the string representation of a specified criteria. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
Not() Returns an instance of the UnaryOperator that represents the criterion resulting from the logical inversion of the criterion the current CriteriaOperator represents. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Or(CriteriaOperator, CriteriaOperator) static Returns the expression which groups two operands with logical OR. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Or(CriteriaOperator[]) static Returns the expression which groups the specified operands with logical OR. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Or(IEnumerable<CriteriaOperator>) static Returns the expression which groups the specified operands with logical OR. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Parse(String, out OperandValue[]) static Converts the specified string, specifying an expression, to its CriteriaOperator equivalent. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
Parse(String, Object[]) static Converts the specified string, specifying an expression, to its CriteriaOperator equivalent. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ParseList(String, out OperandValue[]) static Converts the specified string representation of expressions that are divided by a semicolon into their CriteriaOperator equivalents. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ParseList(String, Object[]) static Converts the specified string representation of expressions that are divided by a semicolon into their CriteriaOperator equivalents. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RegisterCustomAggregate(ICustomAggregate) static Registers a custom aggregate function to use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
RegisterCustomAggregates(IEnumerable<ICustomAggregate>) static Registers custom aggregate functions to use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
RegisterCustomFunction(ICustomFunctionOperator) static Registers a specified custom function to use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
RegisterCustomFunctions(IEnumerable<ICustomFunctionOperator>) static Registers specified custom functions to use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ToBasicStyleString(CriteriaOperator, out OperandValue[]) static Converts the specified expression into its equivalent string in VB style. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ToBasicStyleString(CriteriaOperator) static Converts the specified expression into its equivalent string in VB style. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ToCStyleString(CriteriaOperator, out OperandValue[]) static Converts the specified expression into its equivalent string in C# style. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ToCStyleString(CriteriaOperator) static Converts the specified expression into its equivalent string in C# style. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ToString() Converts the current expression into its VB equivalent string. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ToString(CriteriaOperator, out OperandValue[]) static Converts the specified expression into its equivalent string in VB style. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
ToString(CriteriaOperator) static Converts the specified expression into its equivalent string in VB style. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
TryParse(String, Object[]) static Tries to convert the specified string representation of an expression to its CriteriaOperator equivalent. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
UnregisterCustomAggregate(ICustomAggregate) static Unregisters a specified custom aggregate function from use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
UnregisterCustomAggregate(String) static Unregisters a custom aggregate function with a specified name from use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
UnregisterCustomFunction(ICustomFunctionOperator) static Unregisters a specified custom function from use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
UnregisterCustomFunction(String) static Unregisters a custom function with a specified name from use in any CriteriaOperator-based criteria in your application. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.

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Name Description
QueryCustomFunctions static Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
UserValueParse static Occurs when restoring a serialized criteria operator that references a user object. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
UserValueToString static Occurs when serializing a criteria operator that references a user object. Inherited from CriteriaOperator.
See Also