DxRangeSelectorScale Properties
Defines a Range Selector scale.Name | Description |
AllowDecimals | Specifies whether the scale displays labels with decimal values. |
DiscreteDivisionMode | Specifies whether ticks and grid lines lie between or next to scale labels. |
EndOnTick | Specifies whether the scale should start and end on major ticks. |
EndValue | Specifies the end value of the scale’s visual range. |
Holidays | Specifies dates that DxRangeSelector marks as holidays. |
LinearThreshold | Specifies a linear threshold for a logarithmic scale when it includes non-positive values. |
LogarithmBase |
Specifies the value to be raised to a power when DxRangeSelector generates ticks for the scale of the Logarithmic type.
MaxRange | Specifies the maximum range that users can select on the scale. Does not apply to discrete scales. |
MinorTickCount | Specifies the number of minor scale ticks between two neighboring major ticks. |
MinorTickInterval | Specifies the interval between minor scale ticks. Applies only to continuous scales. |
MinRange | Specifies the minimum range that users can select on the scale. Does not apply to discrete scales. |
PlaceholderHeight | Reserves an area for the scale and its visual elements (labels and markers). |
ShowCustomBoundaryTicks | Specifies whether to display ticks for start and end scale values when they do not match major or minor ticks. |
StartValue | Specifies the start value of the scale’s visual range. |
TickInterval | Specifies the interval between major scale ticks. Does not apply to discrete scales. |
Type | Specifies the scale type. |
ValueType | Specifies the data type of the Range Selector’s scale. Casts values from the assigned data source to the target type if required. |
WorkDates | Specifies dates that DxRangeSelector treats as workdays. |
WorkdaysOnly | Specifies whether the Range Selector displays only workdays on the scale. |
See Also