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DxSchedulerRecurrenceInfo Class

Contains recurrence information about an appointment.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public class DxSchedulerRecurrenceInfo :


The DxSchedulerRecurrenceInfo class’ properties define an appointment’s recurrence rule.

When you bind the Scheduler control to a collection of data objects, the recurrent appointment object should contain the following fields:

  • A field that sets the appointment’s type to 1 (corresponds to the Pattern value). Use the Type property to map this field to the appointment’s property.
  • A field that specifies the recurrence rule. Use the RecurrenceInfo property to map this field to the appointment’s property.

Recurrence Rule

A recurrence rule is a string that starts with the RecurrenceInfo prefix and specifies options that correspond to the DxSchedulerRecurrenceInfo members. The following example demonstrates a sample field value in the correct notation.

"<RecurrenceInfo Id=\"15129fd3-9eb0-4861-8c43-c61844137f17\" Start=\"{0}\" Range=\"0\" 
                Type=\"3\" Frequency=\"1\" Month = \"4\" WeekOfMonth=\"5\" WeekDays=\"2\" />"

To create a recurrence rule, specify the following properties:

Identify a recurrence rule and allows the control to create a series based on the rule. Example: Id="bd5dc726-0fa6-4965"
Specifies the recurrent appointment’s start date. Example: Start="04/01/2020 7:00:00"
Determines how the series end date is specified: by the end date, number of occurrences, or no end date in the case of a recurrent appointment. The available values are listed below.
  • 0 - The recurrence range has no end date. Example: Range="0"
  • 1 - The range ends after its recurrence count exceeds OccurrenceCount. Example: Range="1" OccurrenceCount="15"
  • 2 - A recurrent appointment ends after the End date. Example: Range="2" End="05/01/2020 7:00:00"

Specifies the unit of time used to calculate appointment reoccurrences: day, week, month, or year.

Daily (0)
Repeat the appointment every Frequency days.
Example: Type="0" Frequency ="3" - Repeats the appointment every 3 days.
Weekly (1)
Repeat the appointment every Frequency weeks on WeekDays days.
Example: Type="1" Frequency="2" WeekDays="16" - Repeats the appointment every 2 weeks on Thursdays.
Monthly (2)

Specify by a day number
Repeat the appointment every Frequency months on DayNumber days. Set the WeekOfMonth property to 0 to specify that the week in a month does not affect the recurrence rule.
Example: Type="2" Frequency="1" WeekOfMonth="0" DayNumber="30" - Repeats the appointment on the 30th day of every month.

Specify by a week day
Repeat the appointment every Frequency months in the WeekOfMonth week on WeekDays days.
Example: Type="2" Frequency="1" WeekOfMonth="1" WeekDays="2" - Repeats the appointment on the first Monday of every month.

Yearly (3)

Specify by a day number and a month
Repeat the appointment every Frequency years in the Month month on DayNumber days. Set the WeekOfMonth property to 0 to specify that the week in a month does not affect the recurrence rule.
Example: Type="3" Frequency="1" Month="3" WeekOfMonth="0" DayNumber="5" - Repeats the appointment on the 5th of March every year.

Specify by a week day and a month
Repeat the appointment every Frequency years in the Month month in the WeekOfMonth week on WeekDays days.
Example: Type="3" Frequency="1" Month="3" WeekOfMonth="1" WeekDays="2" - Repeats the appointment on the first Monday of March every year.

The following example demonstrates how to create four recurrent appointments.

 <DxScheduler StartDate="@DateTime.Today" 
    <DxSchedulerWeekView VisibleTime="@VisibleTime"></DxSchedulerWeekView>

@code {
    DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange VisibleTime = new DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(8), 

    DxSchedulerDataStorage DataStorage = new DxSchedulerDataStorage() {
        AppointmentsSource = RecurringAppointmentCollection.GetAppointments(),
        AppointmentMappings = new DxSchedulerAppointmentMappings() {
            Type = "AppointmentType",
            Start = "StartDate",
            End = "EndDate",
            Subject = "Caption",
            LabelId = "Label",
            RecurrenceInfo = "Recurrence"

Scheduler Recurring Appointments

Run Demo: Scheduler - Recurring Appointments


See Also