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Get Started With DevExpress Components for Blazor

  • 2 minutes to read

Our Blazor UI Component Suite is included in the following DevExpress Subscriptions: Universal, DXperience, and ASP.NET (refer to the subscription comparison matrix for details). You can embed DevExpress components into Blazor Server, Blazor WebAssembly, and Blazor Hybrid applications.


Blazor Hybrid support is available as a Community Technology Preview (CTP). Your feedback on how you use DevExpress components in Blazor Hybrid applications is greatly appreciated.

The subscription also grants you access to Blazor project templates and allows you to explore our product line features in the Demo Center.

DevExpress Project Templates

You can use DevExpress Project templates to create a new application. This application is ready to run and helps you speed up the development process as you can start to customize the project right away.

The created solution includes:

  • References to the DevExpress Blazor NuGet package and DevExpress resources
  • One of the DevExpress themes, Default Bootstrap, or Bootstrap Dark theme
  • Application layout based on the GridLayout component
  • Sidebar navigation based on the Menu component
  • The Grid component

Resulting application

Support Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in .NET 8 Applications

The .NET 8 UI framework allows you to create applications that render content in Static render mode. In this mode, components are rendered on the server without a socket connection or WebAssembly files.

The default render mode for most DevExpress Blazor components is interactive. Default Blazor applications created with DevExpress and Microsoft templates enable interactivity per page/component. You need to enable interacitivity manually to access all component capabilities.

Static render mode is now supported by the following DevExpress Blazor components:

How to Get Started

If you are new to Blazor, we recommend that you begin by installing DevExpress Blazor templates and components (Step 1). If you want to integrate DevExpress components into an existing application, proceed to Step 3.

  1. Optional. Install DevExpress Blazor project templates and components on your local machine
  2. Create a new project:
  3. Set up DevExpress NuGet packages
  4. Register DevExpress resources
  5. Add DevExpress components


If a Blazor application throws unexpected exceptions, refer to the following help topic: Troubleshooting.