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BootstrapGridViewCssClasses Properties
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Stores CSS classes applied to visual elements of the Grid View control.
Name Description
CommandColumn Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a Command Column element.
CommandColumnItem Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a command column item element.
Control Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to the control’s root element. Inherited from BootstrapCssClasses.
EditForm Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Edit Form element.
FilterRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to the Filter Row element.
FocusedRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to the currently focused row element.
FooterRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a footer row element.
GroupFooterRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a group footer row element.
GroupRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a group row element.
HeaderRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to the header row element.
IconCollapseButton The CSS class of an icon displayed by a Collapse Group button.
IconContextMenuClearFilter The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Clear Filter item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuClearGrouping The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Clear Grouping item displayed within the group panel context menu.
IconContextMenuClearSorting The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Clear Sorting item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuCollapseDetailRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Collapse Detail item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuCollapseRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Collapse item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuDeleteRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Delete item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuEditRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Edit item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuExpandDetailRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Expand Detail item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuExpandRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Expand item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuFullCollapse The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Collapse All item within the group pane’s and a column’s context menu.
IconContextMenuFullExpand The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Expand All item within the group pane and a column context menu.
IconContextMenuGroupByColumn The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Group by This Column item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuHideColumn The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Hide Column item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuNewRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the New item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuRefresh The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Refresh item displayed within the row context menu.
IconContextMenuShowColumn The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Show Column item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuShowCustomizationDialog The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Show Column item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuShowCustomizationWindow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Column Chooser item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuShowFilterEditor The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Filter Builder… item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuShowFilterRow The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Filter Row item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuShowFilterRowMenu The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Filter Row Menu item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuShowFooter The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Footer item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuShowGroupPanel The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Group Panel item displayed within the context menu.
IconContextMenuShowSearchPanel The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Search Panel item displayed within the context menu.
IconContextMenuSortAscending The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Sort Ascending item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuSortDescending The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Sort Descending item displayed within the column context menu.
IconContextMenuSummaryAverage The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Average item displayed within the footer context menu.
IconContextMenuSummaryCount The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Count item displayed within the footer context menu.
IconContextMenuSummaryMax The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Max item displayed within the footer context menu.
IconContextMenuSummaryMin The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Min item displayed within the footer context menu.
IconContextMenuSummaryNone The CSS class of an icon displayed by the None item displayed within the footer context menu.
IconContextMenuSummarySum The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Sum item displayed within the footer context menu.
IconContextMenuUngroupColumn The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Ungroup item displayed within the column context menu.
IconCustomizationDialogApply The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Customization Dialog’s Apply button.
IconCustomizationDialogClose The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Customization Dialog’s Close button.
IconDetailCollapseButton The CSS class of an icon displayed by a Collapse Detail button.
IconDetailExpandButton The CSS class of an icon displayed by an Expand Detail button.
IconDragAndDropArrowDown The CSS class of an image displayed at the column header’s bottom when it is dragged by an end-user.
IconDragAndDropArrowLeft The CSS class of an icon displayed at the available column header’s right position, when the column is dragged by an end-user.
IconDragAndDropArrowRight The CSS class of an icon displayed at the available column header’s left position, when the column is dragged by an end-user.
IconDragAndDropArrowUp The CSS class of an image displayed at the column header’s top when it is dragged by an end-user.
IconErrorItem The CSS class of an icon displayed by an error item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconExpandButton The CSS class of an icon displayed by an Expand Group button.
IconFilterRowButton The CSS class of an icon displayed within a filter button.
IconHeaderFilter The CSS class of a header filter button icon. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconHeaderSortDown The CSS class of an icon displayed by the header of a column sorted in the descending order. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconHeaderSortUp The CSS class of an icon displayed by the header of a column sorted in the ascending order. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconHideAdaptiveDetailButton The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Hide Adaptive Detail button.
IconParentGroupRows The CSS class of an icon used to indicate which group the data row belongs to.
IconShowAdaptiveDetailButton The CSS class of an icon displayed by the Show Adaptive Detail button.
IconToolbarCancel The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Cancel toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarClearFilter The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Filter toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarClearGrouping The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Grouping toolbar item.
IconToolbarClearSorting The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Clear Sorting toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarCollapseDetailRow The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse Detail toolbar item.
IconToolbarCollapseRow The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse toolbar item.
IconToolbarDelete The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Delete toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarEdit The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Edit toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarExpandDetailRow The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand Detail toolbar item.
IconToolbarExpandRow The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand toolbar item.
IconToolbarFullCollapse The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Collapse All toolbar item.
IconToolbarFullExpand The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Expand All toolbar item.
IconToolbarNew The CSS class of an icon displayed within the New toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarRefresh The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Refresh toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarShowCustomizationDialog The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Customization Dialog toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowFilterRow The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Filter Row toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowFilterRowMenu The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Filter Row Menu toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowFooter The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Footer toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowGroupPanel The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Group Panel toolbar item.
IconToolbarShowSearchPanel The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Search Panel toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarUpdate The CSS class of an icon displayed within the Update toolbar item. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
IconToolbarUpdateSummaries Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
InlineEditRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to an edit row element.
PanelBodyBottom Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel body’s bottom. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
PanelBodyTop Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel body’s top. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
PanelHeading Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a panel’s header. Inherited from BootstrapGridCssClasses.
PreviewRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a preview row element.
Row Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a row element.
SelectedRow Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to a selected row element.
Table Gets or sets the name of a CSS class applied to the table element.
See Also