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ASPxClientPopupControlBase.BeforeResizing Event

Occurs on the client side before the control redraws a resized window.


BeforeResizing: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientPopupWindowEventHandler<ASPxClientPopupControlBase>>

#Event Data

The BeforeResizing event's data class is ASPxClientPopupWindowEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
window Gets the popup window object related to the event.


When the AllowResize property is set to true, users can resize windows. The ResizingMode property specifies when the control redraws the window during the resizing operation. The available values are listed below:

The control re-calculates window layout and redraws the window dynamically. The nested containers (for instance, a Splitter container) are not adjusted dynamically.
The BeforeResizing and AfterResizing events fire on every size change.
The control re-calculates window layout and redraws the window (including all its nested controls) at the end of the resizing operation.
The BeforeResizing and AfterResizing events fire once after the resizing operation is finished.

The BeforeResizing and AfterResizing events allow you to hide or minimize a window’s content and restore it when the window is resized, or to adjust the nested controls.

See Also