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ASPxClientLoadingPanel.ShowAtPos(x, y) Method

Invokes the loading panel at the specified position.


    x: number,
    y: number
): void


Name Type Description
x number

The x-coordinate of the loading panel’s display position.

y number

The y-coordinate of the loaidng panel’s display position.


Use the ShowAtPos method on the client side to display the loading panel at a position specified by the coordinates which are passed via the x and y parameters. For example, this method can be used to display the loading panel at the mouse cursor position.

Note that when a loading panel is invoked by using the ShowAtPos method, the values of the ASPxLoadingPanel.HorizontalOffset and ASPxLoadingPanel.VerticalOffset properties are still taken into account to calculate the loading panel’s actual display position.

<dxm:ASPxMenu ID="ASPxMenu1" runat="server">
        <dxm:MenuItem Text="Show">
        <dxm:MenuItem Text="Hide">
    <ClientSideEvents ItemClick="function(s, e) {
        if(e.item.GetText() == &quot;Show&quot;){
            lp.ShowAtPos(ASPxClientUtils.GetEventX(e.htmlEvent), ASPxClientUtils.GetEventY(e.htmlEvent));
        if(e.item.GetText() == &quot;Hide&quot;){
    }" />
See Also