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ASPxClientGridKeyboardEventArgsBase.htmlEvent Property

Gets a DHTML event object that relates to the processed event.


htmlEvent: any

#Property Value

Type Description

An object that maintains information for a specific DHTML event.


The htmlEvent property allows you to access an object that stores the DHTML event state. For more information about available members of the DHTML event object, see the following topic: Event Object.

In the example below, ASPxGridView expands all group rows when a user presses the Enter key.

function onKeyPress(s, e) {       
    if (e.htmlEvent.code == "Enter") {
<dx:ASPxGridView ID="grid" runat="server" ...>
    <Settings ShowGroupPanel="true" />
    <ClientSideEvents KeyPress="onKeyPress" />
        <dx:GridViewDataColumn FieldName="ShipName" />
See Also