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ASPxClientFileManagerErrorConsts Members

Declares client constants containing codes of errors, that can occur while editing files.


Name Description
AccessDenied static

Access is denied.

Return Value: 2

AlreadyExists static

The specified file/folder already exists.

Return Value: 10

CanceledOperation static

The operation was canceled.

Return Value: 6

EmptyName static

The file/folder name is empty.

Return Value: 5

FileNotFound static

The specified file is not found.

Return Value: 0

FolderNotFound static

The specified folder is not found.

Return Value: 1

InvalidSymbols static

The specified name contains invalid characters.

Return Value: 7

Unspecified static

Unspecified error occurs.

Return Value: 4

UnspecifiedIO static

Unspecified IO error occurs.

Return Value: 3

UsedByAnotherProcess static

The file/folder is being used by another process.

Return Value: 9

WrongExtension static

The specified file extension is not allowed.

Return Value: 8

See Also