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ASPxClientDockPanel.AfterFloat Event

Fires on the client side after a panel is undocked from a zone.


AfterFloat: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientDockPanelProcessingModeEventHandler<ASPxClientDockPanel>>

#Event Data

The AfterFloat event's data class is ASPxClientDockPanelProcessingModeEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
processOnServer Specifies whether or not to process the event on the server. Inherited from ASPxClientProcessingModeEventArgs.
zone Gets the zone currently being processed.


Write an AfterFloat event handler to perform specific actions on the client side after each time the panel is undocked.

If the processOnServer property is set to false, the AfterFloat event is completely handled on the client side, using the assigned JScript handler without a postback to the server.

Setting the processOnServer property to true indicates that the final processing of the event should be performed on the server side, and so a round trip to the server is required. During such a round trip the corresponding server-side ASPxDockPanel.AfterFloat event is fired, which when handled, allows any desired server-side action to be performed.

To learn more, see the Common Docking Events topic.

See Also