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ASPxClientDockManager.GetPanels Method

Returns an array of panels that are contained in a page and meet a specified criteria.


    filterPredicate?: ASPxClientDockingFilterPredicate
): ASPxClientDockPanel[]


Name Type Description
filterPredicate ASPxClientDockingFilterPredicate

An ASPxClientDockingFilterPredicate delegate that defines a set of criteria and determines whether a panel meets those criteria.


Type Description

An array of ASPxClientDockPanel objects.


The ASPxDockManager component allows you to manage all panels and zones within a page. Use the GetPanels method to access an array of panels on the page that meet the criteria defined in the filterPredicate delegate. You can get an array of all panels on the page using the ASPxClientDockManager.GetPanels method, without any parameter.

To get an array of panels contained within a particular zone, use the zone’s ASPxClientDockZone.GetPanels method.


The code sample below demonstrates how you can get a list of docked panels contained within a page.

function IsDockedPredicate (panel) {
     return panel.IsDocked();

function GetDockedPanelsList () {
     var DockedPanels = manager.GetPanels(IsDockedPredicate);
     var PanelList = '';
     for ( i=0; i < DockedPanels.length; i++){
          PanelList = PanelList + ' ' + DockedPanels[i].panelUID;
     label.SetText('Docked panels:' + PanelList);
See Also