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ASPxClientColorEdit.ColorChanged Event

Occurs on the client after a user changes the selected color in the color editor.


ColorChanged: ASPxClientEvent<ASPxClientProcessingModeEventHandler<ASPxClientColorEdit>>

#Event Data

The ColorChanged event's data class is ASPxClientProcessingModeEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
processOnServer Specifies whether or not to process the event on the server.


The ColorChanged event allows you to respond to the editor’s selected color being changed by an end-user.


This part of the ASPxColorEdit online demo illustrates how the ASPxColorEdit can be used to customize the colors for the ASPxRoundPanel.

<dxe:ASPxColorEdit runat="server" ID="ColorEditHeaderBackColor" Color="#dedede">
    <ClientSideEvents ColorChanged="ColorChangedHandler" />
<dxcp:ASPxCallbackPanel runat="server" ID="CallbackPanel" 
ClientInstanceName="CallbackPanel" Width="275px" Height="119px" 
        <dxp:PanelContent runat="server">
            <dxrp:ASPxRoundPanel runat="server" ID="RoundPanel" 
            EnableTheming="False" ShowDefaultImages="False">
                    <dxp:PanelContent runat="server">
                        <div style="width: 250px; height: 60px;">
                  <BorderBottom BorderWidth="0px" />
 public partial class ASPxColorEdit_Example : BasePage {
     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
         RoundPanel.HeaderStyle.BackColor = ColorEditHeaderBackColor.Color;
function ColorChangedHandler(s, e) {
See Also