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ASPxClientCalendar.SetMaxDate(date) Method

Sets the maximum date of the calendar.


    date: Date
): void


Name Type Description
date Date

A DateTime object representing the maximum date.


Use the ASPxClientCalendar.SetMinDate method to specify the minimum date on client side. To specify the minimum and maximum dates on the server, use the ASPxCalendar.MinDate and the ASPxCalendar.MaxDate properties.

The ASPxClientCalendar.GetMaxDate and ASPxClientCalendar.GetMinDate methods are useful, to obtain the minimum and maximum dates on the calendar.


Note that a calendar maximum date value specified by the client SetMaxDate method is not synchronized with the ASPxCalendar.MaxDate property value.

When the ASPxCalendar.MaxDate property is assigned on the server, its value is saved in the Control.ViewState. The Control.ViewState is saved on the page in a hidden field and cannot be modified on the client. When a postback is sent, the previous value of the ASPxCalendar.MaxDate property (saved in ViewState) is applied and a new editor value becomes invalid and is changed to the previous one.

See Also