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Tree List Toolbars

  • 5 minutes to read

The DevExpress ASPxTreeList control enables you to group the most important or frequently used grid commands, and expose them through customizable toolbars for efficient end-user access.


See Online Demo: Toolbar

#Toolbar Object

The ASPxTreeList stores toolbars in its ASPxTreeList.Toolbars collection. Each toolbar is a TreeListToolbar class instance. You can add and remove toolbars in the collection and change the following characteristics of individual toolbars:

Toolbar Characteristic Property Description
Adaptive Behavior GridToolbar.SettingsAdaptivity.Enabled Specifies whether an adaptive behavior is enabled for the toolbar.
Availability GridToolbar.Enabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the toolbar is enabled, allowing the toolbar to respond to end-user interactions.
Item Alignment GridToolbar.ItemAlign Gets or sets the toolbar item alignment.
Name GridToolbar.Name Gets or sets the toolbar’s unique identifier name.
Position GridToolbar.Position Gets or sets the toolbar position.
Visibility GridToolbar.Visible Gets or sets a value specifying the visibility of the toolbar.

To populate a toolbar with toolbar items and to have indexed access to them, use the toolbar’s TreeListToolbar.Items property.

#Toolbar Item Object

Toolbar items are instances of the TreeListToolbarItem class. It is a descendant of the MenuItem class and so it inherits the following key functionality making a toolbar item appear and behave as a menu item.

Toolbar Item Characteristic Property Description
Group Separation MenuItem.BeginGroup Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the current menu item starts a group.
Group Name MenuItem.GroupName Gets or sets the name of a logical check group to which the menu item belongs.
Image MenuItem.Image Gets the settings of an image displayed within the menu item.
Name MenuItem.Name Gets or sets the unique identifier name for the current menu item.
Template MenuItem.Template Gets or sets a template used to display the content of the current menu item.
Text MenuItem.Text Gets or sets the text content of the current menu item.
Tooltip MenuItem.ToolTip Gets or sets the current menu item’s tooltip text.

Additionally, you can use the following options explicitly implemented for toolbar items to properly customize their behavior and appearance.

Toolbar Item Characteristic Property Description
Display Mode GridToolbarItem.DisplayMode Gets or sets the display mode of the current toolbar item within the toolbar.
Command to Execute TreeListToolbarItem.Command Gets or sets the name of a command executed when clicking a toolbar item.
Child Items TreeListToolbarItem.Items Gets a collection that contains the toolbar items of the current toolbar item. Enables you to create hierarchies of nested toolbar items of unlimited depth.

Based on the TreeListToolbarItem.Command property setting, a toolbar item either triggers a standard grid command (that is, data item editing, deletion, creation, etc.) or performs a custom action, if required (this action should be implemented programmatically).

#Standard Toolbar Item

To make a toolbar item execute a standard command, set the item’s TreeListToolbarItem.Command property to the desired command name listed by the TreeListToolbarCommand enumeration. A standard toolbar item automatically displays the command-related text and image (optional). Clicking a standard toolbar item executes the corresponding grid command.

#Example - How to create standard items

The code snippet below demonstrates how to create two standard toolbar items - for the New and Refresh commands - in the markup.

<dx:ASPxTreeList runat="server" ID="Grid" ...>
            <dx:TreeListToolbar ItemAlign="Right">
                    <dx:TreeListToolbarItem Command="New" />
                    <dx:TreeListToolbarItem Command="Refresh" BeginGroup="true" />

#Custom Toolbar Item

If you need a toolbar item to perform a custom action, create a new TreeListToolbarItem object and use one of the following two implementation options.

#Example - How to create custom items (specifying their names, texts and images)

The code below demonstrates how to create a custom ‘Export to’ toolbar item with three sub-items to export the grid data to different formats (PDF, XLSX and XLS).

<dx:ASPxTreeList runat="server" ID="Grid" OnToolbarItemClick="Grid_ToolbarItemClick" ...>
            <dx:TreeListToolbar ItemAlign="Right">
                    <dx:TreeListToolbarItem Text="Export to" Image-IconID="actions_download_16x16office2013" BeginGroup="true">
                            <dx:TreeListToolbarItem Name="ExportToPDF" Text="PDF" Image-IconID="export_exporttopdf_16x16office2013" />
                            <dx:TreeListToolbarItem Name="ExportToXLSX" Text="XLSX" Image-IconID="export_exporttoxlsx_16x16office2013" />
                            <dx:TreeListToolbarItem Name="ExportToXLS" Text="XLS" Image-IconID="export_exporttoxls_16x16office2013" />
        <ClientSideEvents ToolbarItemClick="OnToolbarItemClick" />

   <dx:ASPxTreeListExporter ID="Exporter" TreeListID="Grid" runat="server" />
See Also