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BlazorDashboardConfigurator Events

Name Description
BeforeExportDocument Allows you to hide specific dashboard items when exporting the entire dashboard. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
ConfigureDataConnection Allows you to customize connection settings before the Web Dashboard connects to a data store (database, OLAP cube, etc.). Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
ConfigureDataReloadingTimeout Allows you to set a time interval that specifies how frequently the Web Dashboard should refill its in-memory cache when a user sends a data request. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
ConfigureItemDataCalculation Allows you to configure how the dashboard item’s client data is calculated. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
ConnectionError Allows users to override the default behavior if data store connection fails with current connection parameters. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
CustomAssemblyLoading Occurs before a custom assembly is loaded for use as DashboardEFDataSource. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
CustomExport Allows you to customize the exported document. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
CustomFilterExpression Allows you to include WHERE clauses into DashboardSqlDataSource queries. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
CustomizeExportDocument Allows you to customize the stream containing the resulting document (such as PDF, Image, or Excel). Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
CustomPalette Provides the capability to substitute the default palette containing colors used to paint dashboard item elements. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
CustomParameters Occurs before data is loaded from the data store and allows you to customize dashboard parameters that are used for data processing. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
DataLoading Allows you to provide data for the DashboardObjectDataSource. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
DataSourceCacheKeyCreated Occurs when a data source cache key is created. Allows you to manage cache granularity. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
ExcelDataSourceBeforeFill Provides the capability to change options used to extract data from Microsoft Excel workbooks (XLS, XLSX or XLSM files) or CSV files. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
ValidateCustomSqlQuery Provides the capability to check the validity of the custom SQL query used to supply the dashboard with data. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
ValidateUnderlyingDataColumns Raises when a user requests underlying data from the client and allows you to validate which columns should be returned. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
VerifyClientTrustLevel Allows you to verify the trust level used to specify which actions a client can initiate on the server. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
See Also