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BlazorDashboardConfigurator Properties

Name Description
AllowExecutingCustomSql Gets or sets whether to execute SQL queries on the server side. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
AllowReadUnlistedColumnsFromClientApi Gets or sets whether to enable client-side access to data source fields that are not associated with any dashboard item’s data members. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
DashboardStorage Gets a storage of dashboards for the Web Dashboard. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
DataSourceCacheEnabled Specifies whether the Web Dashboard Control caches its data sources. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
DataSourceStorage Gets the data source storage used by the Web Dashboard. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
Default static Gets the default DashboardConfigurator class instance. Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
PassCredentials static Gets or sets whether confidential information (such as user credentials) will be passed to the client side (web browser). Inherited from DashboardConfigurator.
See Also