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eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO)

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eXpress Persistent Objects™

A SchedulerDataStorage can be bound to an XPCollection object provided by the eXpress Persistent Objects suite. For example, the following code demonstrates how to implement custom appointment and resource classes, which are the XPObject class descendants.

This code snippet illustrates how to implement the Appointment object using XPO as the data source. Note the special methods required to implement a multi-resource assignment (resource sharing).

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// XP object
public class XPAppointment : XPObject {
    public XPAppointment(Session session) : base(session) { }

    public bool AllDay;              // Appointment.AllDay

    [Size(SizeAttribute.Unlimited)]  // !!! To set the Memo field type.
    public string Description;       // Appointment.Description

    public DateTime Finish;          // Appointment.End
    public int Label;                // Appointment.Label
    public string Location;          // Appointment.Location

    [Size(SizeAttribute.Unlimited)]  // !!! To set the Memo field type.
    public string Recurrence;        // Appointment.RecurrenceInfo

    [Size(SizeAttribute.Unlimited)]  // !!! To set the Memo field type.
    public string Reminder;          // Appointment.ReminderInfo

    public DateTime Created;         // Appointment.Start
    public int Status;               // Appointment.Status
    [Size(SizeAttribute.Unlimited)]  // !!! To set the Memo field type.
    public string Subject;           // Appointment.Subject
    public int AppointmentType;      // Appointment.Type

    public XPCollection<XPResource> Resources {
        get {
            return GetCollection<XPResource>("Resources");

    public string ResourceIds {
        get {
            return GenerateResourceIdsString();
        set {
            ResourceIdCollection resourceIds = GenerateResourceIdsString(value);
            try {
                int count = resourceIds.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    XPResource resource = this.Session.GetObjectByKey<XPResource>(resourceIds[i]);
                    if (resource != null)
            finally {

    void ClearResources() {
        int count = Resources.Count;
        while (count > 0) {
    ResourceIdCollection GenerateResourceIdsString(string xml) {
        ResourceIdCollection result = new ResourceIdCollection();
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
            return result;

        return AppointmentResourceIdCollectionXmlPersistenceHelper.ObjectFromXml(result, xml);

    string GenerateResourceIdsString() {
        ResourceIdCollection resourceIds = new ResourceIdCollection();
        int count = Resources.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

        AppointmentResourceIdCollectionXmlPersistenceHelper helper = new AppointmentResourceIdCollectionXmlPersistenceHelper(resourceIds);
        return helper.ToXml();


This code snippet illustrates how the Resource object is implemented using XPO as the data source. Note the special methods required to implement color value conversion.

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// XP object
public class XPResource : XPObject {
    public XPResource(Session session) : base(session) { }
    public int ResId;
    [Size(SizeAttribute.Unlimited)]  // !!! To set the Memo field type.
    public string Name;              // Resource.Caption
    public Int32 Color;
    public Image Image;

    public XPCollection<XPAppointment> Appointments {
        get {
            return GetCollection<XPAppointment>("Appointments");
See Also