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This document describes the fundamental concepts of panes in XtraCharts, including their purpose, implementation and capabilities. It also describes how secondary axes can be distributed among multiple panes, and the ways in which scrolling can be implemented. To learn more about chart elements and their hierarchy in XtraCharts, refer to the Chart Elements topic.

Panes are the visual areas within a chart’s diagram (for the XY-Diagram 2D chart type only). All elements belonging to the Diagram object (axes, strips, constant lines, etc.) and the chart’s series, are displayed within the Panes.

It is possible to create multiple panes within a single diagram, and associate each series with a separate pane. Note that series must still have compatible view types, since they are still plotted onto the same diagram.


A typical scenario in which multiple panes are useful is when it is necessary to plot a chart series separately within the same chart. Often, it’s also required to use secondary axis with additional panes. As with series, axes (both primary and secondary) can be plotted on separate panes, with respect to series with which they are associated. Most often, it’s required to plot a primary axis through all panes, and create a secondary axis for each pane. The Axis2D.VisibilityInPanes property determines the panes in which an axis should be displayed. To learn more on this, refer to Primary and Secondary Axes.


If scrolling is enabled for your chart’s diagram (more on this at Visual Ranges and Whole Ranges ), when it’s multi-pane, you can either maintain synchronous scrolling through all the panes, or allow individual scrolling of each pane. This depends on whether series displayed on separate panes have their axes in common. A detailed tutorial on this can be found at How to: Customize the Appearance of a Pane’s Scroll Bar (Runtime Sample).


By default, a chart’s diagram includes an XYDiagramDefaultPane object, where the chart’s general data is shown (with the exception of the legend and chart titles). You can access its options via the XYDiagram2D.DefaultPane property, which is shown expanded in the Properties window, in the following image.


If you want to display additional panes within a diagram, you can add them to the collection returned by the XYDiagram2D.Panes property. For more information, refer to Adding Panes.

See Also