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Member Table: Appearances

Member Description
The TreeList.Appearance property Contains properties that control the appearance of the Tree List’s elements.
The TreeListColumn.AppearanceCell property Allows you to override the default appearance of data cells for a specific column.
The TreeListColumn.AppearanceHeader property Allows you to override the default appearance of column headers for a specific column.
The TreeList.NodeCellStyle event Allows you customize the appearance of specific cells.
The TreeListOptionsView.EnableAppearanceEvenRow property Specifies whether even rows are painted according to the settings of the TreeListAppearanceCollection.EvenRow property.
The TreeListOptionsView.EnableAppearanceOddRow property Specifies whether odd rows are painted according to the settings of the TreeListAppearanceCollection.OddRow property.
The TreeListOptionsSelection.EnableAppearanceFocusedCell property Specifies whether the focused cell is painted using corresponding appearance settings (these can be customized via the TreeListAppearanceCollection.FocusedCell property).
The TreeListOptionsSelection.EnableAppearanceFocusedRow property Specifies whether the focused row is painted using corresponding appearance settings (these can be customized via the TreeListAppearanceCollection.FocusedRow property).
The TreeList.FormatConditions property Gets the collection of style format conditions.