Customizing Appearances of Individual Rows
The Appearances technology gives you the ability to customize appearance settings common to particular types of a vertical grid’s elements. However there may be situations when you want to provide different styles to elements of the same type. This topic describes how to customize appearance settings of individual rows. For additional information, refer to the Customizing Appearances of Individual Cells and Specifying Styles Using Custom Painting Events topics.
#Assigning Styles to Individual Rows
To customize appearance settings of a particular row, use its BaseRow.AppearanceCell and BaseRow.AppearanceHeader properties. At design time you can access appearance settings of individual rows via the Rows Page.
If the BaseRow.AppearanceCell property is set for a category row, then the appearance settings will be applied to the whole row (the header and indents are displayed before the child rows). If it is set for an editor row or multi-editor row, the appearance settings are applied to data cells displayed within the row.
Note: appearance settings specified by the BaseRow.AppearanceCell property can be overridden by handling the VGridControlBase.RecordCellStyle and custom painting events. Refer to the Customizing Appearances of Individual Cells and Specifying Styles Using Custom Painting Events topics for more information.